Page 62 of B Positive

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“I’m afraid so.”

“Ms. Vaughn, that is well over the recommended amount of blood for a single vampire. You’re undoubtedly experiencing the beginning stages of bloodlust.”

His words ripped through me, sucking all the air from me, from the room. The vacuum pressed in close as I sank into the chair I’d just risen from.

I tried to steady my breathing as my thoughts whirled.

It couldn’t be that. It just couldn’t be. I’d worked so hard to curb those urges. Plus, I hadn’t compelled anyone except Douche Canoe Chad. Sohowcould it be that?

My shoulders sank, heavy with the weight of the truth.

Because even as I denied it to myself, I knew the healer was right.

I knew the symptoms. God, did I know them.

I’d chosen to believe it was something else.

“This is my fault,” Julian said to Wes. “We’re in the midst of a mating bond.”

“Oh, oh, I see. Well, that does change things.”

My head snapped up, eyes darting to each of them. “What? What does it change?” I asked.

The healer spoke right over my head. “I’d recommend cutting her portion down, slowly at first, until it’s more in line with what’s typical.”

Julian nodded.

“Hey, no talking about me like I’m not here!”

Julian gave Wes a wink and a nod. “I think I’ve got it from here. Thank you for coming by, Wes.”

Wait. What the fuck?“Hey, no. You can’t leave just because he says so. Answer my question, please. What does being mated mean for my bloodlust issue?”

The healer smiled at me. “You’ll figure it out,” he said, and walked out of the dining room.

I stared at Julian, expecting him to call the healer back, but he didn’t. The jerk just sat there watching my brain explode.

“What the fuck is going on, Julian?”

It happened so fast I couldn’t control it, couldn’t stop it if I wanted to.

Not that I wanted to.

Thick, choking plumes of alpha vampire dominance spread throughout the room, darkening the space and making Julian’s breath catch in his throat.

“There you are,” he rumbled, gazing down at me as my power forced him to back away.


“I’ve been waitingto see what you can do.”

The smile he wore pissed me the fuck off. “Why do you look so damn proud?”

“Because the power you’re so casually leaking everywhere is mine.” He licked his lips and gave me a heated once-over. “I suggest you put it away before you do something we both regret.”

I let waves of dominance roll off me, unbothered by his threat. “Maybe you should have thought about that before you dismissed someone I was still talking to.”And allowed that same someone to treat me like I was a silly, hysterical woman whose questions didn’t warrant replies.

I stepped closer, fangs bursting from my gums.
