Page 80 of B Positive

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He’d blurredaway all on his own, leaving me horny and panting against the wall. “What the fuck, Julian? Why are you—”

“Eden, listen to me very carefully,” he said as the dominance in the room swirled back to him. “I cannot be with you. Not yet.”

And to my complete horror and utter embarrassment, Julian turned to leave.

I stared at his back for a split second, trying to decide between letting him go and getting my feelings hurt, or confronting him and demanding that he explain himself.

A bit of my cheek found its way between my teeth.

“Hey, dickhead! Where I’m from, gentlemen don’t just leave their ladies high and dry like that.”

I blurred beside him, putting myself in his space.

“Eden, please. Don’t misunderstand. I want to. Truly. You have no idea how much. But we have to wait.”

“Why? Make this make sense, Julian. Don’t just disappear and expect me to be okay with it.”

Julian let out a long breath before turning to me. He cupped my face in his hands. “Eden. Mate. We must wait before going to the next phase of the bond.”

“Why?” I asked again. “I’m getting real tired of asking the same questions over and over and not getting a real answer, Julian.” Plus, a small, insecure part of me figured that if he wanted to, likereallywanted to, he would. He wouldn’t let anything get in the way.

“A certain amount of time has to pass between each stage before the next one can occur and if we rush that, we risk the bond not taking. I’ve already stated how important protecting you is.”


That was a really good reason.

“And what happens if the bond doesn’t take?”

His gaze pierced through me. “I hope to never find out, Eden.” He brushed the hair from my forehead, laid a quick kiss on my cheek, and headed to the stairs.

Leaving me standing there, gaping, hurt, and still so goddamn horny.

After some time, enough that I was sure Julian had made it to wherever he was going and I wouldn’t run into him in the hall, I headed upstairs too. I stripped out of the indigo dress, necklace, and Dior heels, and took the coldest shower I could handle.

As it turned out, vampire skin is too sensitive to handle anything below lukewarm and the spray did nothing to alleviate my raging hormones.

Damnit! I need some relief.

I glanced to the showerhead, regrettably not detachable.

Guess I’d have to do things the old-fashioned way. I pressed a forearm against the tile wall, laid my head on it and arched my back and hips away from the wall so I could get to everything I needed. In this position, I could imagine it was Julian’s fingers on me instead of mine.

His fingers sliding between my lips to find my folds dripping with need for him. Swollen and waiting for him to make me scream his name. His fingers circling my clit and teasing at my opening.

I imagined all of that while touching myself, and came so fast and hard my knees shook under me. I actually had to sit down in the shower so I didn’t fall.

When I finally got out and dried off, I slid under the covers, nude and sated enough for the time being, and fell fast asleep. Orgasms had that effect on me.

The next morning I woke super early, since I went to bed super early. I shot a text to Sunny to see if she was up and got myself ready for the day.

We met a little while later in the great room for breakfast.

She’d laid out a spread of pastries and cheeses as well as cured meats and some nuts along with a Starbucks cup. I piled an unladylike amount on my plate and we settled into the honey-colored sofa. “Something strange happened last night,” I said, hedging.

But, just as I suspected, Sunny went stiff as a board. Even the lines of her aqua dress seemed more rigid than normal.

I sighed and shoved a dried apricot in my mouth. “I’ll tell you like I told B. I’m not trying to get you in trouble with Julian. I only want to know what’s going on, okay?”
