Page 69 of Monsters' Touch

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That night teachesme two things. First, never ever have invisible demon sex in your favorite matching lounge set. And second, that the title Pleasure Dom is exactly as exhausting and liberating as it seems.

And Malphas fits his title to a T.

More than once, I’m grateful for the concrete walls separating me from neighbors who might think I was getting murdered.

When I wake the following morning, I’m about to say as much to him, but something feels off. Different.

There’s no perpetual happiness in my head.

Mal?I ask, clutching the covers tight to my chest as if that would do anything.

Malphas returned to our realm in the night. I’m here with you now,Rhygel says.

My cheeks flame with embarrassment. Does Malphas still have access to all my thoughts? Does Rhygel?!

Why didn’t he say anything to me?

You were sleeping. As our host, it’s imperative you stay well rested.

Right. My thumbnail goes right between my teeth. Do I ask him how much he knows about what went on last night? Or does he already know everything because he’s in my head so deep?

Are you alright, Lily? You seem nervous. I hope I haven’t done anything to make you feel such a way.

Oh, I’m fine. I’m just surprised to find you here instead of Mal.

OK, so he’s not reading all my thoughts. Big relief. But do I tell him what happened with Mal and I? Does it matter?

I mull over that very question as I get ready for the day.

As I reach my cubicle, I decide it doesn’t. What happened between me and Mal is our business. Not Rhygel’s, even if he is Mal’s superior.

Rhygel isn’t much for chitchat, and the first part of my day passes without either of us saying anything. I’m busy with my new data sets and fending off Michelle’s constant stream of questions about why I’m suddenly glowing.

But after lunch, Rhygel starts asking questions.

What do those numbers mean?

These?I circle my cursor over the data set I’d been staring at.


I sigh, not wanting to explain my extremely boring, formula-heavy job to a demon who probably doesn’t know any form of math other than basic arithmetic.

Those are data points.

Yes, I know what they are. I’m asking what they mean.

Hm. OK then, Mr. Smarty Pants.It’s a distribution of probability function.

Ha. That’ll shut him up.

Ah, so, it’s a metric used to derive the probability of a payout for an individual.

Well, color me surprised.Um… yeah. That’s exactly what it is. How did you know that?

We aren’t an uneducated people, Lily.

Yeah. I suppose I assumed that, didn’t I?
