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Lady Penelope’s eyes darted away as she nodded. “I’d love to.”

Stephen led her away after taking her hand. Gathering her close, he couldn’t help but notice how much different she was from Hannah. Hannah was a bit taller than Lady Penelope was, the latter feeling oddly childish in his arms.

“I’ve been wanting to meet you, Your Grace,” Lady Penelope spoke up.

Stephen looked down at her in surprise. From such an obviously timid lady, he hadn’t suspected such bold words. “Oh? Why is that?”

“Mother told me what she heard from your Mother. You have been in India all this time?”

“Ah, I see. Yes, I have been. Does the country interest you?”

“Anything outside of England interests me, honestly.” Glancing down at her, he saw her cheeks pinken. “But I’ve never had anyone to talk to about it. I don’t have many friends, you see.”

“I’m happy to tell you anything you’d like to hear.”

He was even happier that he wasn’t feeling pressured to flirt with her. Stephen has feared that his mother attempt to talk him up would let Lady Hamilton and her daughter think that he was interested, when that couldn’t be more wrong.

Lady Penelope took advantage of this offer and she pester him with questions, ones Stephen has been more than willing to answer. He found himself enjoying the conversation he was having with her and by the time the dance was almost over, he thought it would actually be nice to have Lady Penelope as a friend.

I wonder what Hannah is doing right now.

It was a constant battle throughout the dance, trying to focus as much as he could on the lady in his arms. But it was easier said than done. He couldn’t stop himself from comparing her to Hannah. From the way she talked to the things she said. Even how unnaturally she fit in his arms. Stephen couldn’t stop thinking about how wonderful it would have been to have Hannah here with him.

“I must admit something to you, Your Grace,” Lady Penelope said suddenly.

Stephen discreetly shook his head, trying to rid himself of the image of Hannah lying asleep and failing terribly. “What’s that, My Lady?”

“My heart belongs to someone else.”

Those words surprised him so much that he almost stumbled through the dance. “Pardon me?”

Lady Penelope looked up at him with green eyes shining with sincerity. “I know I should not have said such a thing to you but…but I cannot allow this to continue if it meant deceiving you further. I’ve truly enjoyed our talk while danced and I feel I will be riddled with guilt if I did not tell you the truth. We cannot court, Your Grace. We cannot be married because I love someone else.”

Stephen didn’t speak for a few moments, giving himself time to recover from the shock. Finally, he said, “Does Lady Hamilton know?”

Lady Penelope shook her head sadly. “She doesn’t. And I haven’t mustered up the courage to tell her yet.”

“Well, the fact that you were able to tell me means you are quite brave. I’m sure she will understand.”

“I hope so,” was all Lady Penelope said, but her tone didn’t sound convinced.

At that moment, the dance come to an end. Stephen couldn’t help studying Lady Penelope as he led her back to their waiting mothers, impressed by her courage.

Perhaps she is not so different from Hannah as I thought. I have a feeling that Hannah would have done the same thing.

The thought of her only filled him with yearning and as he returned to his mother’s side, he didn’t know how well he would be able to hold it in.

“Are you back so soon?” said Lady Hamilton. “Time flies when you’re enjoying yourself, doesn’t it?”

If she was attempting to goad a flattering comment out of Stephen, he didn’t plan to take the bait. He only nodded simply as Lady Penelope went to stand next to her mother.

He didn’t think he could wait any longer. Perhaps it was Lady Penelope’s declaration, or the fact that he hadn’t seen Hannah all day, but he wanted to leave here. He wanted to see her. Hehadto see her.

“Forgive me, Mother,” he said to the Dowager Duchess. “I’m feeling a little unwell. I think I should go for a walk through the gardens for a while.”

His mother turned her worried eyes on him. “Are you sure you’re all right? Do you feel light headed?”

Stephen nodded. “Just a bit. It’s nothing you need to be concerned about. I’ll be back shortly.”
