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The reporter from the London Times was a wiry thin man who had spectacles too big for his face. Richard thought he would start shouting if he witnessed the man push it up his nose one more time. He watched the way the man drank in the study they were in, a smaller version of the one at Auldwood Manor. Since coming to London, he had taken up residence at Aledene Manor and his first order of business was to have this reporter come in.

Finally, the man seemed to have remembered what he was here to do and he focused his attention on Richard. “You say you want to have a sketch made, Your Grace?”

“There is someone I need to find,” Richard said. Out of courtesy, he had offered the reporter a drink, which he had accepted and set aside. Richard picked up his own drink and took a large gulp. “I am also offering a large reward to anyone who knows of her whereabouts.”

“Her?” the reporter said with his brows shot upward. “Is she someone close to you, Your Grace?”

Had Richard been a foul mood, he would have thrown the glass at the man’s head, consequences be damned. But because he was feeling particularly calm this afternoon, he only nodded, offering no more information.

Richard pointed a finger at Ellen who was sitting in the corner of the room. She was as quiet as a church mouse, her eyes on the floor. He would have forgotten she was in here. “She will describe her to you. Prepare the sketch.”

Richard's order had the man nodding profusely. He turned slightly to Ellen, who sat up a bit now that she was needed. She began to describe Belle in detail, all under Richard’s watchful eye. As she went on, the reporter began stealing glances at Richard again, as if he was beginning to piece together the similarities between the person being described and the people in the room. Richard didn’t care to validate his assumption.

Once she was done describing, the report gave her a stiff nod and returned his attention to Richard. If he wanted to ask more questions about who she was, he didn’t dare to. He only asked, “Would you like to disclose the reward you are willing to give?”


The curt response had him blinking. The man pushed the infernal spectacles up his nose one more time before getting to his feet. “This will be published in theTimesas soon as possible, Your Grace.”

“Make sure it is.”

The man bowed awkwardly and began to make his way to the door. He started a bit when Nelson came in to escort him out and sent another off-kilter nod to Richard before leaving.

“Is this really necessary?”

Richard settled his eyes on Ellen, intrigued. It had been a while since he’d heard her ask him such a question in such a strong tone of voice. “Do you not want to find your daughter?” Richard questioned.

Ellen blinked rapidly and her eyes slid away. Richard grunted.That didn’t last long.“Of course, I do,” she said. “But I am afraid of what might happen to her if someone were to find her in London after seeing theTimes. They might do her harm.”

“That’s why I didn’t disclose the reward that would be given. If they see too large a number, someone might kidnap her to use her for ransom and I’ve had enough of her inconveniencing me.”

“What if no one cares to say something if they don’t know the reward?”

“London is filled with the poor, Ellen,” Richard said, finishing his drink. “If someone knows something, they will come to us.”

Ellen lowered her head. Richard stared at her for a few moments. “Watch it, Ellen,” he growled, making her look up in alarm. “If I didn’t know any better, I would think you don’t want her to be found.”

“She is my daughter,” Ellen murmured, so softly that Richard almost didn’t hear what she was saying. “I only want her to be happy.”

“She will be happy when she is married to the Marquess of Winchfield. She will be rich and once she provides his heir, I’m sure she will be able to do whatever she wishes. She only needs to see that.”

Ellen’s watery eyes lifted to his. The sight disgusted him. “Are you certain that is what will make her happy, Richard? Have you ever asked her what she truly wants?”

Richard flung his hand to the side, growling in annoyance. “Leave me be. Your foolish words are only meant to upset me.”

He didn’t watch the way she rose to her feet, nor the way her head lowered, and she sniffled lowly. But anger coiled around him as she took her leave and seemed to envelop him entirely once she was finally gone.

Such foolish words form such a foolish woman. Only I know what is best for Belle. And once I find her, I will ensure that she does what she should.
