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The day he had rushed to her wedding, the day she had denounced her father’s wishes and ran off with him, he had taken her straight to the Stanton home once more, hoping she would be safe there. And he had spent nearly every second he could in the days that followed by her side.

It was only at times like these, when duty called, he was apart from her. Stephen wanted nothing more than to marry her, to have her bear his name and, one day, his child. But he had to ensure he had taken care of everything he needed to.

I wonder what she is doing right this moment. Stephen lingered by the door, letting his mind drift. He pictured her sitting in the living room, surrounded by Lily and Julia while they talked and laughed together. A pang of longing hit him squarely in the chest at the thought, wishing he could leave this place and be by her side once more.

To be alone with her once again. With their hands on each other and his lips making hot kisses down her swan-like neck. He promised to cherish her, to protect her virtue until they were married. But he couldn’t deny that the temptation was overwhelming in her presence. And being apart from her was much too painful.

With a deep sigh, Stephen straightened, trying to bring himself back together. Now that he knew he did not have to worry as much about his finances any longer, he only had more thing he had to do. It shouldn’t surprise him that his father had left a trust for him. He had always been the most responsible man he knew, and he didn’t know why it hadn’t occurred to Stephen that the Duke would have had something in place to counter his wife’s terrible spending habits.

I have thought so badly of him for such a long time that I had not even considered the thought.

Stephen ignored the pang of guilt. There was no use allowing it to consume him anymore. Right now, the only thing he could do was take advantage of this secret trust as best he could.

With determined steps, he left the office, making his way to the carriage he had ordered to be prepared for him prior to Mr. Reid’s arrival. Once he was seated inside, he let himself come to terms with what he was about to do.

The ride to Dunleer Manor was not very long. The butler greeted him happily, with eager and expectant eyes. Stephen did not bother to enlighten him on the fact that this was not a silly tantrum. He would not be returning to the manor this time.

“Mother has been awaiting my arrival, yes?” he asked the butler as he was led to the drawing room.

“Yes, Your Grace. I shall inform her of your arrival.”

Stephen nodded, not bothering to watch the butler’s retreat. He settled into one of the armchairs and waited for his mother to arrive.

The Dowager Duchess of Dunleer walked into the drawing room with her lips drawn tight and her chin cocked. Yet, her eyes were uncertain and her steps hesitant. She lingered at the door for half a second before she chose the seat across from Stephen.

“I had thought you would return home after a few days,” she began.

“I have no intention of coming back to the manor, Mother,” Stephen said simply.

The Dowager Duchess nodded slowly, her lips drawing back even tighter. “I understand. You have always been a very rebellious gentleman, even in your youth. I suppose your annoyance with me has run a bit deeper than usual, though I pray it is not as deep as it was with your Father.”

He would allow the question in her eyes to go unanswered—for now. “I am not sure if you are aware of this, but I have decided to ask Lady Belle to be my wife.”

“Why would I be aware of that?” she asked defensively.

“You have a habit of hiring private investigators to add to your knowledge, do you not? I half expected you to put someone on my tail, though I suppose you must have learned your lesson for once.”

His mother scowled. “Do not be insolent with me, Stephen!”

“I did not come here to pick a fight,” Stephen said coldly. “You have heard the rumors, have you not? About what I did?”

She narrowed her eyes. Stephen could tell she was deciding how she should respond. “London is ablaze with the news about what you did. A foolish move.”

“And yet a move that had to be made. I have asked Lady Belle to be my wife and we will be married in Scotland.”

“Scotland?” she gasped. “Why not here in London?”

This time, it was Stephen who grappled with the question of how he should respond. His anger drove his scathing words, wanting to hurt her as he had been hurt. And yet, his love for his mother, the one that would never go away no matter what she did, kept his tone gentle. “It was our original plan when I asked her to elope with me. However, at that time, I was unaware of the fact that you had revealed her location to the Duke of Auldwood and collected the reward money.”

The Dowager Duchess gasped loudly, her hand flying to her chest. Stephen waited to hear her denial, but none came. After a while, her hand fell to her lap and she lifted her chin once again.

“It was what was necessary, Stephen. Though, I am sure you will not see that. You will only see me as an evil mother.”

Stephen shook his head sadly. “I do not see you as evil mother. You are only selfish and self-serving. I have had enough of it.”

He got to his feet on those last words, heading toward the door. The Dowager Duchess shot upwards. “What do you mean by that? Surely you will not run off without ever contacting me again like you did your Father?”

Stephen’s steps faltered. Slowly, he hung his head. “Father did not deserve such treatment. And after hearing the truth, I came to understand how immature and foolish I was for doing such a thing. I learned that if I wish to be happy, I should at least make such decisions after I know the whole truth.”
