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Chapter Thirty-Six

“Are you certain you can go on your own?”

Belle nodded, her smile widening at Julia’s question. It was the third time she was asking since Belle revealed her plans this morning at breakfast and each time she repeated the question, the distinct thread of worry in her voice grew stronger. Lily, who stood nearby saying little, wore an equal look of concern.

“I am certain,” Belle said. “They are my parents. They will not do anything to bring me harm.”

“And yet, we cannot be certain that they will not oppose your union vehemently,” Lily said in that very calm and sure manner. “From what we have seen, Belle, your Father is a very stubborn man.”

“I have no doubt he is very aware of where I am,” Belle said. She set the rest of her unfinished tea on the tray and rose. “The mere fact that he has not come to drag me away again must mean he has accepted my decision, does it not?”

Lily tilted her head to the side, her eyes perusing. “You do not sound very sure about that.”

“I am not,” Belle admitted. “Which is another reason I need to see them. While Stephen is finishing up his business here, I should do so as well. We shall be leaving for Gretna Green soon and I would hate to leave my relationship with my parents so tense.”

“I understand,” Lily said with a gentle smile. She and Julia walked Belle to the door, Julia still wearing that worried frown. “You must do what you need to.”

“Thank you for understanding, Lily,” Belle said. “I shall return shortly.”

With that said, she left, making her way to the carriage. Anne was currently out at the market and Robert was already making house calls, but both were aware of her plans. Just as they were aware that Belle would not be staying for much longer. Tomorrow, she will be off to Scotland with the love of her life.

The thought of Stephen managed to chase away the anxiousness of what she was about to do. She had not seen her parents since she left her wedding. Belle expected her father to come after her, once he overcame his shock. But days had gone by without hide nor hair of him and it only increased her apprehension. She did not know what she would see when she walked into Aledene Manor.

For the entirety of the trip, Belle fantasized. It was hard to imagine that the day was almost upon them. Soon, they would be in Scotland, saying their vows, professing their love for each other. The romance of it all made her deliriously happy, but it didn’t stop her body from growing hot at the fact that she would soon be able to see him in all his glory.

As unladylike as it seemed, Belle had thought about it constantly. Stephen, alone, stripped bare for her to see. Looking at her with that passion in his eyes, then filling her when until they were fused in both body and soul. Her body trembled with the thought and as the carriage pulled through the driveway of Aledene Manor, she shook her head quickly, trying to rid herself of the image.

It will do no good walking in there when I am all hot and bothered.

Belle steeled herself as she approached the front doors. The butler greeted her with a stoic face, save for his sad eyes. Belle tried offering him a smile, but it faltered when he said, “I shall inform His Grace of your arrival.”

“Thank you,” she said.

As the butler walked away, she turned to see Hannah hovering nearby. The girl’s face was the picture of sadness, and as Belle approached, she could see tears shimmering in her eyes.

Without a word, Belle enveloped her into a small hug. Hannah gasped against her shoulder. “My Lady!”

“Oh, hush now,” Belle said sternly. “Let us forget that I spent quite some time pretending to be a commoner. Allow me to pretend a little while longer so that I may hug you.”

“My Lady...” Hannah’s hands were stiff by her side. Belle didn’t mind it. She knew that her lady’s maid would conduct herself in a proper manner at all times, even if that meant not hugging her mistress back in such a public fashion.

Once she was satisfied, Belle pulled away, offering her a broad grin. “Oh, dear, do not look so downcast, Hannah. You are much more beautiful when you smile.”

A bright blush went across her cheeks. Even so, Hannah didn’t look away awkwardly the way Belle expected her to. She held Belle’s gaze, searching her eyes. “I have served by your side for quite some time, My Lady. I know when you are trying to be brave.”

“You noticed, have you?” Belle chuckled. “I suppose it should be expected of me to be a little emotional. You are aware, are you? That I will be marrying the Duke of Dunleer?”

“Yes, My Lady and I could not be happier.” Bowing her head, Hannah curtsied. “I wish you a long and happy marriage, My Lady.”

Belle waited until she straightened to give her another one of her mischievous smiles, watching the wariness that sparked in Hannah’s eyes. “Would you like to come with me, Hannah?”

“My Lady?”

“Once we have returned to London,” she clarified. “I would love to have you by my side, since you are my dear friend. If you wish to stay here, however, I will not stop you.”

“My Lady...” Hannah’s eyes filled with tears once again. Belle chuckled.

“I will not force your hand, Hannah. I suspect it may be a while before I return. You have much time to think on it.”
