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After Michael had gone, Lydia rose, her stomach growling. “I haven’t even had a chance to break my fast today.”

“It’s well past breakfast now,” her uncle chided. “You should have gotten out of bed earlier today.”

“You can’t scold her too severely,” Martha argued. “Could you please give me a moment alone with my daughter? Lydia, I’ll call for some tea.”

Francis graciously left them without complaint, practically running from the room with Michael no longer holding his attention. Once he had made his way out of hearing range, mother called for tea and refreshments, asking the servants to close the doors behind them.

She waited until Lydia had eaten a cake before she spoke. “Darling, what is truly going on?”

“You do not believe that the duke and I are truly engaged?” Lydia asked.

“I know it isn’t true,” her mother affirmed. She took small sips of her tea. “Tell me, what happened between you two last night? Surely he knew of the rumor.”

“He did,” Lydia said, sipping her own tea thoughtfully, trying to think of what to tell her mother. “He was quite angry, at first, demanding why I chose him, of all potential suitors.”

“What did you say?”

“I just explained that he never attended the Assemblies, so I didn’t think he would be affected.”

“Then what happened?”

“I explained our circumstances, why I lied about our engagement. Once the truth came out, he offered to help.”

“You mean, he’s willing to pretend to be engaged?” her mother asked, shocked.

“Exactly,” she said. “I was quite surprised by the invitation to visit Marigold though.”

“How do you feel about that?” her mother asked. “You will miss two weeks of the Season, nearly the end.”

Lydia shrugged. “I told him I was afraid that it would put me at a disadvantage, but he promised to help me, after.”

“He surely has excellent connections,” her mother said. She looked aside thoughtfully. “Perhaps, with his status, you may not need to make a match during the season. He could help you to marry even before the beginning of the next Season.”

“Perhaps,” Lydia mused. She then grinned. “How fun it will be though to visit the country.”

Martha put a hand on Lydia’s knee. “Please be careful. Your uncle is not the most socially apt man, hence being unmarried at his age. He may not be the most attentive chaperone. Promise me that you will not let yourself get into a compromising situation with the duke.”

“We aren’t even truly engaged. I cannot imagine that he would actually be interested in me that way.”

Smiling fondly at her, Martha laughed softly. “My dear, you may not see it, but you are quite beautiful. The duke sees it, as well. His reputation does proceed him, and I saw how he looked at you.”

“He was not looking at me in any sort of way!” she protested, though she could not help but feel validated that her mother saw the same thing she did in Michael’s gaze.

“You have a lot to learn about the ways of men,” her mother said. “But please, promise me?”

“I do not think I need to promise you anything,” she lied. “But I promise you, I will be dutiful and careful.”

“Thank you,” she smiled. “I hope you have an exquisite time.”
