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“Michael, it’s all right. We don’t need wine this late.”

He kissed her reassuringly. “Trust me, it’s a special bottle. I want to open it for our wedding night. I’ll be back in just a few minutes.”

Her bottom lip stuck out just a slight bit, holding back a pout as well as she could. Kissing her, he stepped back, reassuring her again, “Two minutes, I promise.”

* * *

Lydia paced the room, biting her lip. Michael had promised to return in just a few moments but judging by the clock on the mantle over the fireplace, over thirty minutes had passed. She wanted to wait for him to return before undressing. Worried that if she sat down, she would fall asleep, she continued to pace, wanting to avoid falling asleep before consummating her marriage.

The worst thoughts rushed through her mind. Perhaps he had regretted his decision, had run away to another room in the house, hoping to have their marriage annulled the next morning. Or, he had realized that he did not want to risk having children and decided to avoid laying with her.

She tried to tell herself that perhaps the butler had caught him, or one of their family members had last words of wisdom before he reached the marriage bed. Surely, there was a logical reason as to why he had not returned as quickly as he had promised.

Yawning, she shook her head in frustration, trying to stop tears from welling in her eyes. She reminded herself that she was merely tired, completely worn out from the stressful day and the late hour.

With a glance out the window, she realized that dawn would be breaking soon, and throughout the house, the rest of the family would be sleeping. Servants would soon be rousing to stoke fires and start their chores.

The candles burnt out, one by one, until moonlight alone lit the room. In the cool gray light, she sat heavily on a chair next to the fire, leaning against the arm rest. An hour had passed. She wondered at what point she should go to bed, or even go out into the house to find Michael. Sleep was overcoming her when she heard the door handle click. She shook herself, relieved.

“What took you so long?” she asked, sleepily. “I’m not sure I can stay awake much longer.”

She stood, opening her arms out to him. Without saying a word, he strode up to her, taking her into his arms. Immediately, she realized that something was wrong. He felt different, wirier. As she looked up, she realized that he was shorter too. She stiffened quickly, even as he lowered his mouth to hers. She turned her heard, gasping.

“Who are you?” she cried, trying to push away. The man held her firmly in his arms. She struggled, crying out.

“Lydia, calm down,” he said, squeezing her in his arms. “Lydia, it’s me, Joseph.”

With her heart racing in her chest, she struggled to make out his features in the dark. His dark hair and eyes stood out against his pale skin. She froze where she was, her hands pushing against his chest, her face pulled back away from his.

“Joseph, what are you doing?” she gasped, hesitant. “Where is Michael?”

“Michael is still downstairs,” he explained. “Lydia, just listen to me.”

“Why are you here?” she demanded, resuming her struggle when he did not release her. Alarm bells were going off in her head. “Joseph, you shouldn’t be here. What is Michael doing?”

“Lydia, listen,” he commanded firmly. He held on to her arms with his hands, his fingers pressing into her skin painfully. “You should not be married to Michael. This is not the life you want. Trust me.”

“We are married, Joseph. This is exactly what I want!”

“No, listen, Lydia. He would not make a good husband to you. He doesn’t want children. He will resent you if you have children, and you will resent him if he does not give them to you.”

“You don’t know that!” she argued, growing afraid. “But that doesn’t explain why you are here!”

“I’m here because I have grown fond of you these past weeks,” he explained, rushing through his words. “Don’t you see? We are far more alike than you and Michael. We would share our love of learning, of reading, of good stories. I am much more your equal than he is.”

“You are engaged!”

“That does not matter!” Joseph argued. “Lydia, please, you must see reason. Annul this marriage, marry me.”

“I will not!” she argued. “Where is Michael?”

“He is not coming back, Lydia, I can promise you that. With him abandoning you, your only option will be to marry me, else tomorrow you will not only be the subject of ridicule for your scandalous letter, but for being abandoned by your husband on your wedding night.”

Terror filled her breast. Despite her earlier fears, hearing Joseph say them out loud made her realize how ridiculous they sounded. His cruel words also filled her with trepidation.

“He’s not coming back?” she asked. Even though she did not think Michael would willingly abandon her, something in his wording made her feel suspicious.

“He most certainly will not,” Joseph assured her.
