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The next three days did not bring any improvement to Jenny’s condition and Nicholas stalked about the house like a caged beast when he was not at her side. Dr. Jenson had told him that there was nothing he could do but manage her fever as he was yet to know what was truly ailing her. Mrs. Atwood had moved to the house temporarily to care for Jenny while Daphne, Lord Hanover, and Ernest visited every day.

Nicholas was pacing about in her laboratory, stopping now and again to examine her work when he came across what looked like a manuscript of her research. Further examination revealed it to be on exotic rock samples with special attention to geodes. The details and hypotheses drawn in the piece were so impressive it could be from an official university research. Nicholas opened a drawer to tuck it in for later retrieval. He had plans for that manuscript.

"Your Grace,” Bentley entered after a knock. “Vicomte de Chauveau is here for you." Relief and bemusement washed over him. He was yet to receive the promised second missive and Maxime was already here…

“Show him to my study, Bentley.” If Maxime was here, then he had some news. Nicholas stopped the butler before he could leave. “Send a carriage to collect Lady Digby and her daughter.”

On his way to his study, he met Persephone who had just arrived. Due to the overwhelming events of the recent days, he had completely forgotten to notify her about Jenny and she hadn't made any contact with the mansion either. That was unlike her, now that he thought about it.

Considering their last meeting and how it had ended, Nicholas dismissed this thought, concluding her silence to be a result of lingering anger on her part. “Your wife has taken ill and you do not notify me?” she complained.

“Forgive me. So much is happening and I fear my head is not my own.”

She scoffed and raised her chin. “I will see her now.”

“Good.” He had things to attend to. “Daphne is with her.” She had made a very early call that morning, taking the place of Mrs. Atwood by Jenny's side, for the older woman had an unexpected personal emergency to see to.

Nicholas smiled when he beheld a friend he hadn’t seen in a while. He was accompanied by a humble-looking middle-aged-man that he deduced to be the parson.Thank goodness!

“Your Grace! It is great to see you despite the circumstances.” Maxime clapped him on the back and shook his hand. “This is the parson, Monsieur Besson,” he introduced after they’d exchanged a few pleasantries. Nicholas did not recognize the man and neither did he recognize Nicholas. He spoke good English, too.

He latched onto this little beacon, daring to hope. “I must admit I am surprised about your visit. I did not receive your second letter.”

“Oh? It must have gotten lost because I sent it shortly after the first.”

They sat down and Nicholas asked the parson, “Do you have the proof?”

“Yes, Your Grace.”

Before he could say more, Nicholas interrupted him. “We are expecting company. I want us to wait for their arrival so you do not have to repeat yourself.”

He grew more anxious as they waited but he used the time to talk with Maxime about their business ventures and what had happened in their lives since their last meeting. When the study door opened, he jumped to his feet, only then understanding the extent of his nerves.

The women entered with supercilious expressions on their faces but for a fleeting moment, he caught fear in Vanessa’s eyes. Good. It was time for the great unmasking. Once everyone was seated, the parson spoke. “My ladies, you presented the Duke with a marriage document, yes?”

“Yes,” Lady Digby replied.

“You must know that if your claims are false, you will face consequences both divine and earthly.” The women looked at each other and Nicholas thought he saw them falter. The parson retrieved a record which he set them down on the center table between them.

“Now, according to my findings…” he opened the record to the section that matched the date on the marriage document, “there is no record of the marriage you claim. I have known this, of course, but now I stand before you with the proof for all to see. Most would believe that document but one glance was enough to tell me that it was forged. It is averyconvincing counterfeit, but a counterfeit nonetheless. And I should add that I may have officiated a lot of marriages, but I would have remembered one such marriage as this one if only I had conducted it. But I hadn't."

Nicholas was weak with relief and he wanted to run to his wife’s chamber and tell her the news even though she would be asleep.

"You vile man!" Lady Digby shook with anger. There was no telling who she was addressing between Nicholas and Monsieur Besson. Vanessa sat in quiet shock and perhaps resignation, too, as the color drained from her face.

"You had to go that far. What did you have to lose in marrying my daughter?" Lady Digby continued projecting her venom.

"You underestimated the lengths people would go to protect their loved ones. I had to protect my wife. You yourself are an example despite your despicable approach."

“You—” the study door suddenly opening cut Lady Digby off.

"Nicholas!" Daphne barged, panting. “Dr. Jenson found it. Jenny was poisoned.”

His legs carried him to the door before his brain could even command them. "He said it is belladonna and has gone to retrieve some medicine himself,” she added as they hurried up the stairs.

"Grandmother!" Nicholas shouted in the doorway in concert with Daphne's scream when they found Persephone with a pillow in her hand, attempting to smother Jenny.
