Page 48 of Scot on the Run

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But there would be. She knew it in her heart, yet she walked out to the car anyway and climbed in beside the handsome, unusual, freakishly intelligent scientist. No matter the outcome, she couldn’t let him go alone. Ian needed her, so she would be there for him.

The drive from Portree to Edinburgh took just over five hours on a good day. Fortunately, this was an even better day. The sun blazed down gently from a powder blue sky. Lamb-like clouds scampered across the heavens. The air was warm, but not hot. As far as Bella could tell, the weather was the kind of rare gift that made visitors to Scotland dig out their cameras.

Ian stopped multiple times, patient with her frequent exclamations of delight. With the windswept glens, majestic mountains, tiny villages with tea shops and friendly locals, the miles melted away.

It occurred to her that without Ian’s trip to Edinburgh, she might never have made time to see Glen Coe or Rannoch Moor or any of the other picturesque spots they passed along the way. Certainly the prospect of driving herself over these distances was daunting.

At last, they entered the outskirts of the historic city of Edinburgh. She had read about it, studied about it, but she had never visited. Soon, she found herself incredulous that she hadn’t put this historic and beautiful metropolis on her to-do list.

While Ian negotiated the traffic, Bella focused on the sights and sounds. It was clear from the outset that the city was anchored with several iconic landmarks. First and foremost was the massive Edinburgh Castle. Visible from virtually everywhere around town because of its location on the highest elevation, the castle was both impressive and daunting. It was easy to see why it had played such a pivotal role down through history.

Ian pointed out a natural feature that also held sway over the city. Arthur’s Seat was a steep hilltop ringed in gorse and climbed by numerous tourists over the course of the weeks and months.

Anticipation and excitement flooded Bella’s chest, momentarily obscuring her reservations about the trip. All she had to do for the next few days was to enjoy playing tourist and to stay out of Ian’s bed. How difficult could it be?
