Page 70 of Scot on the Run

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“Excuse me, will you? I have some calls I need to make.” Ian stood up abruptly, almost overturning his chair, and disappeared before his breakfast companions could do more than blink.

“What did you do to piss him off?” Finley asked, correctly reading the situation.

“I have no idea,” she lied. “I may have given him the impression I wasn’t satisfied with my life plan, but I was wrong. It makes perfect sense to finish the dissertation now that I’m this close. Even if I don’t want to teach right away, I’ll have the degree to fall back on.”

“Well of course it does,” Finley said, carrying his plate to the sink. “You’d be a fool to quit now after all your hard work.”

Bella finished her coffee and brooded. The piece of toast she’d consumed sat like lead in her stomach. “It’s a beautiful day,” she said. “I think I’ll head out and explore the island for a while.”

McKenzie smiled. “You want some company, or would you rather be alone? Finley’s probably going to be in the shop all day.”

“I have some thinking to do. I promise not to go anywhere dangerous. Thanks, anyway. I’ll take you up on your offer next time.”

Her main goal was to escape before Ian came back downstairs.

Grabbing the keys to the car, she headed out, then drove aimlessly as the hours crept by. By now, she knew her way around really well. Skye felt comfortable, though still exotic and inspiring.

One thing became crystal clear as she pondered the invitation from the university. It was impossible to say yes to that commitment until she clarified where she stood with Ian… or if his response to her was anything more than physical at all.

Why couldn’t she simply tell him the truth? Say that she loved him? Ask if he had any feelings for her? It was the only way to get closure before her return to the States. If by some miracle he reciprocated, they could move forward with melding their two very different lives.

If Ian didn’t love her, the answer was equally simple. She would hop a plane and go back to North Carolina.
