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“You saw how thick it was.”

“Why were you late?”


“Traffic?” Ariana said. “Are you serious?”

“You know how it gets this time of night.”

“You couldn’t have left earlier to avoid it?” Lia asked. “Like you said, this is your wife’s vigil.”

Boone furrowed his brows. “I only just heard about it before leaving. It wasn’t as if anyone invited me.”

“It was all over social media,” Ariana said.

“I was working. And imagine my surprise, learning about my wife’s vigil from a coworker.”

“The fact that you didn’t say anything only makes you look guilty,” Lia said. “I’d keep that in mind if I were you. You should try harder if you don’t want people suspecting you.”

“I’m the husband. Everyone already suspects me, as you two well know.”

Damon and Charles joined them.

“Everything okay here?” Charles asked.

“Dandy,” Boone said. “I was just thanking these ladies for putting this together. Now if you don’t mind, I’m going to join the search for my wife.”

Nobody replied, and he stormed away.

“Can you believe him?” Lia asked. “Late because of traffic?”

“It’s just a matter of time before he’s proven guilty,” Charles said. “Everything he does is suspicious.”

“At least he knows we’re on to him.”

“Let’s forget about him,” Damon said. “We have fliers to hand out.”

Ariana nodded in agreement, but one thing was certain. Her mind wouldn’t let her forget about him.

In fact, once the vigil ended, she would do whatever it took to prove his guilt.
