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Rita continued struggling against the ropes. She’d been at this for what felt like forever. It was impossible to know how much time had passed, thanks to being unconscious and the blackout curtains. Though she did have some idea, as they let in a little light at the top and sides. It was anyone's guess how much time had passed while she was out cold, but the light behind the curtains had grown dark only once since then. One day. But it felt like a week. Maybe more.

Yet she still hadn’t managed to free herself from the ropes. Still hadn’t made progress.

Would she ever get out of here alive? Wherever here was. It wasn’t a room she’d ever seen before.

Couldn’t be in the house. He had to have brought her to an abandoned building. Somewhere nobody would find her.

Didn’t matter. The only thing she needed to focus on was getting these ropes off. Before he returned. Then she had to get out of here. Run.

If he returned to find her still in the room but untied, he would lose his mind. Go ballistic on her.

Make the situation a hundred times worse.

Time was not on her side.

At least it was dark outside, and had been for a long time. That meant he was likely sleeping.

Her hunger grew, and her strength faded. No food for what had to be at least two days was taking its toll.

He thought he was so generous giving her water. Then demanding her undying love and devotion.

The man was crazy enough to keep her tied up until she gave in.

No way. Never.

Once she freed herself, they were over. Forever. She would report him to the cops. Then once he was behind bars, she would never have to worry about him again. He would get what he deserved, and she could move on with her life. Just as it should be.

But that would only happen if she could loosen the ties.

Rita strained and stretched her body in every direction. For all the good it did. But she couldn’t stop. The moment she gave up, it was over.

And she would not let him win. That would never happen.

She was smarter than him. Had more mental fortitude. In every way that mattered, she came out on top. That was why he was so threatened by her.

Why he’d tied her up, held her against her will, kept her from eating.

He should’ve known better. But he hadn’t. He’d underestimated the wrong woman.

She’d win. He’d lose. Just had to get herself free first.

Then it would be game on. He’d rigged it against her, but she would turn the tables on him.

He would be the one taken down. By her.

Sweet irony.

Rita tugged and pulled. Wriggled and squirmed. Kicked and punched, as much as possible while restrained.


She froze.

Had she heard that right? One of the ropes had broken?

Could it be? She lifted her arms.
