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She told him about what she’d read online.

“He was there?” Damon asked.

“According to the unnamed source.”

“But he never went to the bar and grill before Rita disappeared.”

“Exactly,” Ariana said. “Rita said he was always complaining about it.”

“Why? It brought in money. That place is a raging success.”

“It makes her happy, and he can’t have that.”

Damon frowned. “I’ll never understand that man.”

“I hope I never do.”

He rose and looked outside. “The cars are still there. They must be interrogating him pretty hard.”

“We can only hope.”

They put their plates away, and though Ariana’s headache was almost gone, she took an ibuprofen for good measure. No sense in having it come back during the interview. Chances were, if anything would set it off again, it would be the studio’s bright lights.

They went outside, just as the detective was heading toward an unmarked car. Another officer opened the door of one of the cruisers.

Ariana raced over. “Detective Rojas!”

She turned. “Hello, Ariana.”

“Did you arrest Boone? I heard he was at the restaurant the night Rita disappeared.”

“I can’t discuss an ongoing investigation.”

“He’s having an affair, and his wife is missing. It’s obvious he has motive.”

“That doesn’t make him guilty.”

“Boone never goes to the bar and grill. He resents Rita’s success. If he was there, he was up to no good. Guaranteed.”

“I can’t discuss this.”

“He should be behind bars.”

“Not without sufficient evidence.”

“You don’t have that yet?” Ariana asked.

Detective Rojas pursed her lips.

“You can’t talk about it.”


“Isn’t there anything you can tell me?” Ari asked.

She drew in a deep breath. “He has an alibi. That’s all I can say about the matter.”

“He’s lying!”
