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Ariana followed her.

Both guys got off their phones and joined them on the sidewalk. The air still stunk of wet ashes — the only thing remaining of Ariana and Damon’s house and belongings.

She covered her eyes and moved them around, pretending to follow her therapist’s finger. The heaviness subsided. She would still need more therapy after this, but at least she could get through the night.

If only they could find Rita.

Four officers exited the cars. Two went around the right side of the house and the other two took to the left.

Ariana held her breath. Was Boone actually sneaking into his own house? She wouldn’t put it past him. Nothing was unbelievable at this point.

A few minutes passed. Felt like hours.

Two officers came around front with someone cuffed. He was dressed all in black, making it impossible to see who he was. Could’ve been anyone.

“Is that Boone?” Lia asked.

“Can’t tell,” Damon said.

They all inched closer until they had crossed the street.

Police lights bounced on the man, exposing his face.

The exterminator.

Ariana’s instinct had been right.

“Are you Mitch?” she called.

One of the police motioned for them to leave.

“He was snooping around earlier!” Ariana said. “There’s proof of Mitch in Rita’s things — the stuff you all took from her office. She wanted to break up with him. He knows where Rita is!”

“You need to leave,” said the officer.

Another one came over to her. “Do you have proof that this is Mitch?”

“Yes, and it all adds up. Rita went missing after she tried to break up with Mitch. If you look through the photos from her office, you’ll see it’s him. He knows where she is!”

The first cop ordered her to leave.

“You have to believe me,” Ariana insisted. “He knows where Rita is.” She looked at Mitch. “Tell them!”

He gave her a smug grin. “I’ll talk, but only if granted immunity. Boone’s the one who has her now.”

“So, you admit to having taken her?” said an officer.

“I’m not speaking until I have immunity.”

“Where is she?” Lia demanded.

Mitch looked at one of the cops. “Are you going to let them treat me like this?”

“A woman’s life is on the line. You need to tell us where she is, then we can talk about immunity.”

“There’s a cabin in the woods not far from where you found the bloody—” He stopped.

“Go on,” the officer urged.
