Page 25 of Sleepwalker

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“Isn’t that our art teacher?” I asked, pointing.

“Oh, her,” Chloe said. “She used to be one of us.”

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. A couple of Dorian’s people ventured over to her and took a cup each from the tray.

“Anyone want to get a drink?” I asked, hopping from one foot to the other. My fingers were already numb with cold.

Adam set Emma down and pushed her toward Chloe. “What do you want to do, get poisoned?”

Emma giggled. “Beware of the weirdo germs, Margo.” She darted in front of the fire, dancing provocatively next to the flames and drawing the attention of most of the boys.

“Well, I’m cold and thirsty,” I said, moving before Chloe could stop me. She was too much of a worrier.

I headed to Ms. Rivers, relieved to get away from the gossip and badmouthing.

Ms. Rivers smiled and offered up the tray. “Hot chocolate? I take it there aren’t many fans here.”

“I love hot chocolate,” I said. “I have you for art. I didn’t expect to see you here.”

She made a face. “Neither did I, but apparently, somebody thought a figure of authority would force the teenagers to behave.” She shrugged. “Doesn’t look like the bonfire idea is working.”

I glanced over my shoulder. Both groups were busy giving each other suspicious looks. “For a small town, our addresses are an issue.”

She smiled. “For some, it’s a huge deal. For me, not so much.”

“You crossed over,” I said, laughing. “I’ve been told you used to be one of us, and now you’re one of them.”

“Have you already labelled yourself?” she asked, her voice lowering into a mischievous tone. “When I was a teenager, we were desperate to shake off labels. These days, nobody’s happy unless they have one.”

That made me laugh again. “You can’t be that much older than us.”

“That’s the scary part. Try not to get tied down to a team, Margo. You’ll miss out on so much.”

“I’m told I don’t get a choice.” I held up the cup. “I think this is called fraternising with the enemy.”

“Probably.” Her face brightened as she nodded at somebody behind me. “Dorian, can I interest you in a hot chocolate?”

Dorian moved to my side. Warmth emanated from him as though he had been standing too close to the bonfire.

I lifted my cup. “It’s good.”

He took a cup. “That’s because she makes them the way I like them.”

“Oh, look,” Ms. Rivers whispered. “Some of them are getting brave.”

“And all it took was one foolish sheep,” I remarked, but she was already moving on to offer her wares elsewhere.

“I wasn’t sure you were going to come.” Dorian smiled warmly. “I’m glad you did though.”

“Turns out my dadreallywants me to make some friends.”

“Is it working?”

“I’m not sure it’s possible to fit in around here.”

He sighed. “Tell me about it.”

I turned to watch my so-called crowd gather around Ms. Rivers and act as though they hadn’t just referred to her asone of them. A couple of Dorian’s friends were wrestling next to the bonfire. I watched on tenterhooks as they rolled close to the flames until the teacher told them to quit it. To my surprise, they stopped instantly.
