Page 95 of Sleepwalker

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“It sounded like there was a story there,” I remarked, partly to distract myself.

“Yes,” she said. “My grandfather lost his mate, and then he lost himself, too. That’s why we worry about Perdita. We’re all terrified that Nathan will end up the same way. All these years, I’ve felt so guilty about the way things ended with my grandfather, but I don’t know how we could have changed it for the better.”

“I’m sorry you had that on your shoulders for so long.”

“I should thank you for giving me some closure, actually. If you hadn’t come along, Opa might never have found peace, and we would have likely lost Perdita, too. I owe you, Margo. I’ll always remember what you’ve done for us. If you ever need me, I’ll be there.”

Her brother had said the same thing.

“Thanks, but let’s hope the drama is over.”

She smiled and patted my shoulder. “With werewolves, the drama’s never over.”

I thought of how I felt when I helped her grandfather, the growing cold within. I smothered it as best I could, but I had a feeling that someday, it would come back to haunt me.

Chapter 32


I hadn’t been alonesince I woke up, but when Nathan told me a pack meeting was being held, I knew I had to be there.

First, I needed to speak to Margo. We hadn’t had time alone yet, but whenever I caught her looking at me, her eyes were full of what I was afraid could be fear.

While the others went on ahead, I got her alone. “You okay?” I asked uncertainly, trying not to crowd her. “Things have been pretty intense.”

“Intense?” Her lower lip trembled. “I thought you were going to die.”

I’d been talking about the spirit. It was better than thinking how close I’d come to losing the people I cared about.

She shivered. “That man wanted us all dead, and we walked right into him.”

“For Perdita,” I said. “I’m sorry I put you through that, but…”

“You’d do anything for her.” Her smile put me at ease. “If it had been my mother out there, I know I’d have done the same.”

My insides warmed. “Thank you for helping her.”

“Oh, don’t you start.” She lifted her hand to touch me then dropped it just as quickly. “I’m just glad she’s okay.”

“It must have frightened you.” I squirmed as I saw the incident through her eyes. “Imust have frightened you.”

She widened her eyes. “No. It wasn’t like that. You didn’t even seem angry, just determined. He was growling and snarling, but you were so quiet in comparison. I knew you weren’t going to let him hurt us, but I was scaredyouwere the one who was going to get hurt. But are you safe here? You all thought that man was your friend.”

“Dominic was a good actor,” I said. “But he got caught. He befriended people then turned on them, butwestopped him.”

“Yeah, we did.” She grinned, and the tension in my chest eased a little. “I suppose I am getting better at being a warning bell.” Warmth curled around me. How had I ever thought of her as cold and uninviting?

“Listen…” I paused, unsure of how to form the words I wanted to say.

She looked unsure herself. “What is it?”

“Okay. I get that this isn’t normal. At all. And that we’ve been through something scary and horrible. I’ll understand if it’s put you right off, but do you wanna go out sometime? Like properly. Do something normal?” I stepped back and waited.

“Oh.” She looked taken aback. “That’s very formal of you.”

“Wanna go out? Yeah, super formal. The hand-engraved invitation is in my back pocket, ready to go.”

She grinned. “Shut up, wolf.” She reached up and kissed me, her lips cool against mine. I gathered her against me, relieved. If even a murderer didn’t put her off…
