Page 59 of Firestarter

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Chapter 18


Nathan and Byron escorted the Hardings off the property, leaving me with Perdita and Amelia in the alpha’s dining room.

Perdita stretched. “That could have gone better.”

“You,” Amelia directed at me, curling her upper lip in disgust. “I’m helping your girlfriend. The least you could do is give her a bit of support.”

“Snap out of it,” Perdita said sharply. “What’s with you?”

Amelia’s expression shifted into one of surprise. “I thought you were on my side.”

“I think all of this is ultimately up to Margo and her parents actually,” Perdita said. “It’s none of our business. And the way you keep going about things is out of line. You did wrong, Amelia. You know this.”

“I was trying to—”

“I know you’re trying to help,” Perdita continued. “Except you act so defiant about it that it’s impossible for people to feel like you’re doing anything but exactly what you want to do and damn the consequences.”

“They keep attacking me. I know I get defensive, but I don’t know how else to handle this.”

“Be more apologetic for a start. And watch how you speak to people. Dorian hasn’t done anything to deserve you taking your crap out on him.”

Amelia sunk into her chair. “You’re right.” She shifted in her seat to look at me. “I am being… Dorian, I’m sorry. It’s so easy to…” She shook her head, a sad ghost of a smile on her lips. “I think I’m treating you the way I feared I’d be treated when I found out about omegas.”

“I’m not an omega,” was all I could think of saying.

“Right, but you’re so submissive that you take just about anything we throw at you, don’t you?” she persisted. “Because you know it’s best for the pack that we direct it at you rather than anyone else.”

“He’s a person,” Perdita said in a strained voice. “Not an object for you to relieve your stress on. Dorian, please give us a few minutes. Amelia and I obviously need to talk.”

I didn’t envy Amelia, and I wasn’t hanging around to see what happened next. I escaped outside where I found Nathan and Byron in deep conversation with Ryan. Nathan noticed my approach and gestured for me to join them.

Once I reached his side, he looked me over with concern. “Everything okay?”

“I think they’re arguing because of me now.” I glanced back at the house. “Sorry.”

“It’s hardly your fault.” Nathan ruffled my hair. “I’ll give them a few minutes then get Perdita to rest.”

“Let me guess what happened,” Ryan said. “Amelia snapped at you, and now Perdita’s giving her an education.”

I winced. “Something like that.”

Nathan glanced at the time. “I hope Perdita runs out of steam soon. If Amelia has any sense, she’ll keep quiet and put up with it.”

Ryan snorted. “She has less sense than she had before.”

“She’s gotten out of her depth,” Nathan said. “Running around the world has made her worse rather than better.”

I was suddenly struck with the notion that Amelia was searching for something, and maybe she thought she had found it in Margo. That made me a little less angry with her.

“She’s still young,” Byron said. “Still figuring life out. Things have been hard for her, but she’ll settle down eventually. Hopefully, she’ll be less bullheaded about the things she wants by then.”

“I doubt that,” Ryan said, an edge to his voice. “I’ll leave you to it.”

He left, his hands shoved deep into his pockets.

Nathan watched him go, his eyebrows furrowing in thought.
