Page 110 of Shapeshifter

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We couldn’t talk much once Emma and Chloe arrived because they made it their mission to tell Margo every single detail she had missed at school.

“I wish I had been there,” Margo said mournfully.

“You’re coming back though, right?” Chloe asked her.

“Yeah, but I’ll have to repeat the year.”

“That’s the worst,” Emma said, looking disgusted. “We should go on a sun holiday to prepare you for it.”

Margo laughed. “Not too much sun though. I’m sadly incapable of getting a tan.”

Victor jogged over to us. “You gonna stand here all day?” he called out.

We headed inside together. Margo and the girls stayed in the beginner’s group on one side of the room while Victor and I helped Nathan.

“Watch out for Margo,” Victor warned after a while. “She’s getting reckless.”

“She’s fine.”

“If you say so.”

Victor’s words irritated me at first, but as I kept an eye on Margo, I noticed her demeanour change, too. She moved restlessly as though her limbs were full of restrained energy. I knew what that was like. I made a mental note to suggest she go on more frequent runs for the time being.

I took a break to drink some water and watched the girls practice moves. Was it my imagination or was Margo being a little too rough? My insides twisted as she pushed Emma so hard that the girl bounced off the wall bumpers a foot away. If the wall hadn’t been padded, Emma could have been seriously hurt.

Margo’s hands clenched into fists.

“What the hell, Margo,” Chloe exclaimed, helping her friend to her feet.

“Back off!” Even at a distance, I could see the wolf looking out through Margo’s eyes. That was my cue to run.

Chloe stared at Margo, speechless.

Emma rubbed her shoulder. “What’s with you?”

“Margo.” Reaching her, I firmly took hold of her arm. “Come outside with me for a minute.”

Margo met my gaze with a heated glare. For a brief agonising moment, I thought she might snap at me, too.

“Okay,” she said gruffly.

As we headed out, I glanced around to see if anybody noticed. A couple of adults were shaking their heads, and I sensed Nathan’s attention on us. There was no hiding it.

Outside, Margo gulped in deep breaths of fresh air. Within seconds, she was panicking. “What did I just do?” She sank her hands into her hair and gripped it tight. “Is Emma okay? I didn’t mean it. I don’t know what happened.”

“You have to be more careful,” I warned her. “You can’t get so close to the edge like that. It’s way harder to pull back.”

She stopped moving, her cheeks pink. “Are you mad at me?”

“No, but the girls might be, and you can’t blame them. They don’t know what’s going on. You can’t steamroll over humans like that. Imagine if Chloe had gotten aggressive back at you. Your wolf might have taken over. You could have hurt her.”

“I wasn’t planning to hurt her.”

“You didn’t plan to hurt Emma, but you could have easily done that, too. But it’s about more than that now. You could have spoiled things for Nathan. You could have exposed the pack. We have responsibilities that we always need to think about. We have to always work to be in control.”

Her face fell. “I know. I’m so sorry. I’ve been so caught up in everything that I haven’t been careful. I thought I was okay, but this is going to set me back, isn’t it?”

“Are you calm now?”
