Page 5 of Shapeshifter

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Jorge pounced again, but this time, Byron met him mid-air. Their growls sounded ferocious as they snapped at each other. Byron wrapped his jaws around Jorge’s neck and somehow flipped him onto his back, giving him three short, violent shakes. I almost rose out of my seat in alarm.

Pinned, Jorge struggled then calmed, foam about his mouth and chin. His eyes remained wide and wild. I waited for something to happen, but Byron merely held him still for a moment before letting him go and stepping back.

“It’s over,” Dorian whispered.


“That wasn’t so bad,” Dad said, though he sounded rattled.

Byron stood still while Jorge gathered himself. The younger wolf struggled to his feet. He approached Byron. I gripped Dad’s arm, fearing it wasn’t over, after all.

Jorge bowed his head. Byron sniffed him then licked his muzzle and around his eyes. All around us, pack members relaxed.

“What’s happening?” I asked.

“It’s done,” Nathan said. “Jorge accepts the loss, and Byron forgives him for trying.”

Dorian looked up at me. “Jorge never wanted to be alpha. He wanted Byron to acknowledge his pain. He had to try to honour his family, but he understood Byron made the right choice when he sent his brother away. Jorge chose to stay, but he had to resolve the situation in a way that satisfied the wolf part of him, too.”

“What happens now?” Dad asked.

“We run,” Nathan said. “The pack will run together to get rid of any bad feelings or grudges. We run and make a fresh start. Jorge will start to feel better soon.” He leaned over to kiss Perdita’s cheek. “I’ll see you later. Evelyn, Dorian, let’s go.”

Evelyn said goodbye, while Dorian lingered before leaving. “Will you wait for me?” he asked. “I’ll try not to be too long.”

“If Perdita wants company,” I said.

He smiled, looking relieved. “Good. See you all later.” He brushed his fingers across my cheek before hurrying after Nathan and Evelyn.

Dad cleared his throat. “As bracing as that was, I think I’ll start clearing up here. We abandoned everything. Let me know if you want a lift home later.”

He patted my head then left.

“Well,” Perdita said in a tight voice, “we should head inside and warm up.”

I helped her to her feet with my free arm, and we strolled away. I couldn’t help looking back at the scene, at the other human members of the pack left behind. Did they ever wish they were werewolves?

Back at Perdita’s house, I filled up the kettle, forcing her to rest. She looked exhausted. “So,” she said. “How was your first challenge?”

“Scary,” I admitted. “But also exciting. I was afraid Byron would lose because Jorge is so much younger.”

“Being in charge takes a lot more than youth,” she said. “I knew he would win, and not only because Jorge’s heart wasn’t in it. Byron won’t lose to anyone but a member of his own family.”

Which meant either his son, niece, or nephew. “Does it make you sad?”

“Sometimes.” She wrinkled her nose. “He had to force his father out. It was a sad time for the family. Nathan’s grandfather couldn’t recover from the loss of his mate. I don’t want that for Byron. He lost his mate a long time ago, and it affected him badly for years. Taking over the pack got in the way of any new relationships he tried to form. I’d like him to step down when he’s ready and enjoy the rest of his life. He deserves that much.”

“Can he do that? Just… stop?”

“I hope so. He’s been good to me, so I don’t like the idea of anyone beating him. Still, the responsibility of running a pack this large is tiring for him. I know he deserves some rest, and I’ve grown close to Byron over the years, but the thought of Nathan taking over for him also terrifies me. Byron’s son would never let it stand, and Nathan would never know peace again.” She patted her stomach. “There’s not much point worrying about what might happen, but I can’t help it sometimes.”

I finished making hot chocolate and brought one to her. “Not everyone can shift, right? Even if their parents are wolves. Dorian told me that. Is it true?”

“He’s right. Anything can happen.” She took a sip of her drink. “We’ve no idea what the future will bring for our baby or any baby that’s born within the pack. Dorian’s the only early bloomer I know of, so it’ll be a long time before a possible shift can happen. Either way, this little one will be part of the pack.” She sighed. “I suppose it would be nice for Nathan to run with his child. He can’t with me, obviously, but at least he has Dorian.”

“It feels weird, waiting behind while they go off together. I wish… I don’t know. I can’t help feeling left out.”

“Here’s how I see it.” She set down her cup. “I wasn’t born a shifter for a reason. There are things I envy, but I like being able to do my own thing. That would be harder if I was a werewolf. There are pros and cons, but I don’t feel lesser than anyone else. You have your own special quality that the wolves can never experience.”
