Page 89 of Shapeshifter

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“I’ll go,” Byron said. “Stay with them, Nathan, no matter what happens.”

“Death,” Vira said, but she sounded hopeful. “It’s not here for Margo after all.” She glanced at Margo’s body, prone on the ground. “I made a promise.” She left with Byron, both of them pushing Margo’s parents away from the door.

“Damn it,” Nathan hissed. “Eli must have come back.”

Amelia gasped, her eyes coming into focus. “What did you say?”

“Something’s happening,” Nathan said. “Don’t know what. What’s happening with you?”

“Long story,” she panted. “Dorian, move your furry butt out of my way!”

I obeyed because the chanting had stopped, too.

“She’s steady,” Stephen said, checking her pulse. “That’s good.”

“That’s great,” Evelyn said with a huge exhalation of relief. She looked to Heddy. “What do you think? How is it going?”

Heddy brushed the sweat-dampened hair away from Margo’s temples. “She’s strong. She’s holding on. There’s colour in her cheeks, and she’s getting warmer. I think these are good signs.”

She was right. A flush in Margo’s cheeks made her look healthier than she had in ages.

Her fingers twitched, and I was sure her fingernails lengthened.

I barked out a warning.

“Everyone move back,” Nathan said. “Something’s happening.”

Somebody knocked on the door again.

“Nathan, stand by the door,” Amelia whispered. “Don’t let anybody in. She’s about to shift.”

“Careful,” he warned. He patted my head. “Don’t let her accidentally kill anybody.”

My heart soared. Margo had done it. She had survived. It was only a matter of time before we discovered exactly what that meant.



I fell awayfrom the forest into darkness. There was no pain or sound. I existed and yet didn’t exist at all. I couldn’t remember who I was or what I was supposed to be doing, but there was something I had to do. Somewhere I had to be.

A growl. I felt it before I heard it, a vibration beneath my feet. I was running, my feet touching earth, away from something I couldn’t see. Harsh breaths came behind me, but I didn’t know what caused them.

Then I remembered, and the pain came back in a roaring rush of sensation. Burning sledgehammers pounded my body, breaking me into pieces. Heat skimmed the surface of my skin until I was sure I was somewhere else, caught in a burning building, without the cold to help me.

As though the thought made it spring to life, a chill followed the fire. Hissing steam pierced my eardrums as they collided in the darkness. If this was dying, I pitied any who followed me. I could have sworn I heard my bones crunch, tasted blood in my mouth as though I had bitten my tongue hard. Nothing was right. Nothing was real. The only thing I was sure of was the pain.

I couldn’t bear it anymore.

I was dying.

Death beckoned me.

A vicious monster gnawed at me from within.

A searing heat fought to melt the icy shield that surrounded me.

My soul threatened to tear in two.
