Page 94 of Shapeshifter

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“Could we do either of those?”

She hesitated. “Very few men end up in the sensory room. He would see his death coming, would he not? That could be enough to start a full-out war between harbinger and shifter. With you right in the middle.” After a moment, she sat next to me, close enough for me to experience that infamous chill that people used to feel around me. “You really are warm.”

“You really are cold.”

“Opposites.” She sighed. “Your father was always warm, too. And handsome.”

I smiled at that. She sounded different, lighter somehow. “I wonder what he’d make of all this.”

“Nothing scared him, so he would probably take it in his stride. I overheard Amelia wondering if there were once werewolves in his bloodline. I wouldn’t be surprised.”

“The pack thinks the shift can only happen to people with the right DNA, that the chances of becoming a werewolf or carrying a werewolf child must be limited to a certain genetic sequence. Kind of interesting, but I’m not sure how much science matters when it comes to magic.”

“You seem so… Are you not scared of any of this?”

I thought about it. “I’m scared of not being in control, but it won’t always be like that. Look at me now, sitting here like a normal person. They expected me to be locked up for a while, I think, but I’m doing okay so far.”

“You seem normal.”

“Maybe it’s because of the pack. There’s a family at the core of it, and Byron teaches everyone how to fit in with humans. Not like your compound. The alpha might be in charge, but I’ve never seen him abuse that. I’ve been an outsider here, but still, they stepped up to protect me. They understand I’m different. Dorian liked me, all along, even knowing everything. I’m not sad that I get to be a part of this.”

“He liked you even when you called out to death and death answered.” She sounded wistful. “I felt that once, had somebody who risked it all for me. For us. If he hadn’t died, he would have made a beautiful father, but I believe the parents who chose you and raised you gave you something special. I’m glad they found you.”

“Me, too. I’ll always be grateful for them.”

“I hope they can continue to understand you. If they can’t…” She bit her lip. “Well, I’m sure they will.”

“Are you staying?” I asked tentatively. “I mean, here, with the pack.”

“Byron Evans offered me sanctuary, and it may be time to accept that.” She kept darting looks I didn’t understand my way. “I’ve decided that if Eli or anyone at the compound tries to take me again, I won’t go alive. You should consider that, too. What they do to us in the sensory room isn’t something I can suffer through twice.”

“Death is preferable? Intense.”

“I don’t fear death. The alternative can be terrifying.”

My skin prickled, but not at her words. Approaching footsteps were the problem. I held my breath, looking out into the darkness until I spotted Alison. I was about to greet her until I saw the dark look in her eyes.

I stood, the wolf flaring to life, unable to sit in Alison’s presence. I had no clue as to why. Something wild and base surged through my veins, and I could no longer stay easy.

“What are you doing?” Vira asked. “What’s happening?”

“I don’t know yet. I’m on alert.” I kept an eye on Alison. She moved slowly, but aggression was practically steaming out of her. “You should get out of here.”

“I’ll get help.” She fled inside Byron’s house. I braced myself then decided to meet Alison halfway.

Her eyes were manic. “I can’t sleep with you here.”

“What are you on about?”

She kept holding my gaze, and for some reason, that drove me insane. I had a desperate urge to shove her onto her back, to make sure she knew she was beneath me.

“You already know.”

Startled, I realised I was baring my teeth and made an effort to stop, but everything about Alison’s stance provoked me.

“Enough!” Byron called out from somewhere behind me.

I glanced at him then back to Alison in time to catch the palm of her hand with my face. The slap rang out in the air. I saw black, then red, and then the next thing I knew, she was facedown in the dirt, and I was kneeling on her back, holding her down.

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