Page 98 of Shapeshifter

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“I could help.”

“And I could forbid you.”

I looked at him pleadingly. “You might need me. This could go wrong. There’s a baby here, another on the way. If he wants to punish us, then he’ll hurt the most vulnerable people here.”

“He has no feelings,” Vira said. “He wouldn’t think twice about harming children.”

“Can’t you all run and hide?” Mam asked. “Why even wait for him to hurt you?”

“He would only follow,” Vira said. “I tried to hide once. That got Margo’s birth father killed. I made the mistake of letting Eli take me home alive. He’s a man, but to me, he is a monster. A nightmare. It would be better to kill him. It’s the only way I can see this ever ending for good.”

She hated her brother. I could hear it in her voice. The wolf grew agitated, but I didn’t feel like I would lose control. Maybe Eli had to die. Maybe this was a fight that wouldn’t end. But no matter what Byron said, I had to help. There had to be something I could do for the pack, for me, even for Vira.



Early the next morning,I headed out to see Margo. It had to be awkward for her to sleep in the alpha’s living room.

Margo opened the door before I even reached the house. “Hey.”

I grinned, jogging to close the space between us. I kissed her cheek. “Good morning. How are you feeling?”

“I’m very… restless?” She shrugged. “I keep pacing. I dunno.”

“You need to go on a run.” I hesitated. “You should run with the alpha.”

“Nah, me and you, please. Can’t we be alone?”

“I don’t know,” I said. “You might run off.”

“I’m not a stray dog,” she complained, but she didn’t understand the lure yet. She would.

“Hey,” Amelia called out from an upstairs window. “I’ll chaperone.” She opened the window further, stuck her body halfway out and shouted at a nearby house. “Ryan!”

It took him a few minutes to pop his head out, all ginger bedhead and scruffy stubble. Not everyone woke early.

“Run with us.” Amelia darted back inside before he could say no.

He looked down at Margo and me, sighed, then ducked back inside.

“So we’re running with them?” Margo asked as we waited.

“Yup. Amelia’s good around new wolves because she can help keep them calm. Ryan’s good at hunting them down if they run away.”

She looked at me as though she wasn’t sure if I was joking or not. I wasn’t.

Amelia came rushing out the front door, hopping from one leg to the other as we waited for Ryan. “He’s always so slow,” she complained. “Aren’t you excited, Margo?”

“Nervous,” Margo said.

I reached for her hand. She leaned against me. She was trembling a little.

“You’ll love it,” Amelia said brightly. “This is the best part of all of this, for sure.”

Margo’s cheeks flushed. “I don’t know how to, you know.”

“Oh,” Amelia said. “We’ll help you. Don’t worry.”
