Page 40 of One Last Kiss

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“You talked about huge Christmas dinners prepared in this oven,” he reminded her. “And kids running through the halls. You wanted a dog at one point. Remember?”

A dog. That’s right. She remembered.

Remembering hurt.

And now she couldn’t begin to picture another man—like Denver or Elias—in the kitchen eating over the counter. One who didn’t smash potato chips between his sandwich before taking a bite.

“We’ve had some pretty late nights.” She needed to tell him what she’d been thinking. Establish some boundaries for both their sakes. “If you don’t want to drive home, you don’t have to.”

His eyebrows lifted in interest. “Oh, yeah?”

“The pool house is all yours,” she said, before he had the very wrong idea of what she was offering.

No matter what fun with Jayson she could have, Gia knew what was at stake. Being with him in this familiar environment was chipping away at her resolve. She didn’t need the constant reminder of what they could have had—of what they’d once naively dreamed they could have.

“The pool house,” he repeated, his tone flat.

“Sure. There’s a lot of unused space out there. I still have that bed out there.”

He watched her, his eyes darkening to navy blue. “I know that bed, G.”

She couldn’t look away even though she should. She knew that bed, too. While the house was filled with decorators for nearly a month, she and Jay had stayed in the pool house. They’d made love on that small double bed, woke to a view of the pool and their backyard. He would rise before her and make coffee in the cheap four-cup coffee maker and deliver her the first cup.

Simpler, better times.

It seemed no matter where she looked she couldn’t escape memories of them together. How was she supposed to make a life on her own for herself when she couldn’t leave them behind?

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