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The following weekend, Hallie felt better about, well, everything. Presley was hosting another girls’ night in. Cassandra and Hannah had arrived ahead of Hallie.

Hannah brought three pizzas. The pies were out, box tops open to allow the piping hot cheese to cool. “One cheese, one veggie, one with bacon and chicken,” she announced.

They plated up and poured the wine. Hallie spilled a small amount into her glass. She’d been sipping cocktails practically nonstop since she’d started seeing Gavin. She’d forgotten how much eating and drinking happened while dating—a lot more than her usual.

Halfway through their second slices of pizza, Cassandra and Presley were discussing honeymoon destinations. Hannah had done nothing but delight them with tales of France, specifically about the romance of Paris. Hallie listened supportively, but as the only woman present who was not currently searching for a romantic getaway destination, it was hard not to feel left out.

“And the bread!” Hannah exclaimed. “Bread and cheese and wine is a religion over there. France is the perfect place for a honeymoon.”

“It sounds like the perfect place to live.” Cassandra smiled.

“I can’t wait to visit Paris,” Presley said on a sigh. “It’s always been my dream to travel and write. I can’t wait for Cash’s world tour so I can sightsee.”

“The only con is that wine makes me careless. I woke up several mornings missing my clothes,” Hannah said.

“The case of the missing clothing,” Presley said with a melodramatic gasp.

“I’m fairly certain the culprit was Will,” Cassandra said with a giggle. Presley and Hannah howled with laughter. Hallie had to chuckle—her sister and Will were seriously cute together.

“Careful or else you’ll end up pregnant before you know it,” Pres warned. “And then who will help me drink wine?”

“Me!” Cassandra offered and the two women clinked glasses.

“I’m not sure careful matters when your period is as irregular as mine,” Hannah said. “I could be pregnant now and wouldn’t know it.”

“You would know.” Cassandra waved the idea off.

“Maybe not.” Hannah shrugged one shoulder. “There is a rumor that Banks ovaries thwart the effectiveness of birth control pills. How do you think Hallie and I were conceived?”

Hallie frowned at her sister. “Is that true?”

“According to Gram.” Hannah shrugged. “So, even though I am on the pill, I’m never truly safe. Will is worth the risk.”

“Well, sure. You’re married now. If you oops-ed your way into a pregnancy everyone would be thrilled out of their minds.” Cassandra made a follow-up joke about Hannah having twins, but Hallie was barely listening.

“I didn’t know about the birth control thing,” Hallie sort of repeated. She and Gavin had been relying on Hallie’s birth control since the first time they’d slept together. And there had been a lot of times since.

“I’m sure it’s an old wives’ tale. Or Gram was trying to scare us into being careful when we did end up having sex,” Hannah said.

“Hallie?” Presley, who picked up on everything unsaid, was watching Hallie closely. “What’s going on with you? Does the wine taste okay?”

“This is our favorite vintage.” Hannah frowned at her own glass.

“I think Pres is asking if the wine tastes okay to Hallie,” Cassandra clarified. “Though, how would she know since she hasn’t touched it.”

Hallie’s cheeks grew warm. Hannah’s mouth fell open. “Oh my God. Tell me you were safe. You and Gavin. You were safe, right?”

“I was trying to break rules!” Hallie bleated. “I assumed my tried-and-true birth control worked until you trotted out a family horror story tonight.” She’d had no reason to doubt her trusty pill until then.

“It’s only been a few weeks since you two started seeing each other,” Hannah said. “I’m sure you’re fine.”

“Well...” Presley started and every head in the room swiveled to her. “Cash and I had a scare a week ago and he bought about a dozen home tests in a panic. One of the tests claimed to be able to tell as soon as eight days after conception.”

“Eight days?” Hallie asked, her voice hollow. She was going to be sick.

“Like Hannah said, you’re probably fine,” Presley said, her tone light. “But if you want to set your mind at ease, I have several tests leftover...”

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