Page 61 of The Savage

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He laughs at my obvious discomfort and says quickly, “Portia will ask Massimo to bring his wife to the next meeting. She will say she’s curious to meet her. We will book every seat in the restaurant and fill them with our men, and one very special diner will arrive with her new husband.”


He nods. “We will position her in his view and, using her as a distraction, we will cut the head off the snake.”

“It sounds too easy.” I think he may have underestimated Massimo and he shrugs. “Sometimes it’s better not to overcomplicate things. Massimo won’t be expecting an ambush because it’s a regular arrangement. While he’s dining with his wife and his close friend, you must instruct your friends to use their soldiers and strike his homes, businesses and wipe every trace of Massimo from life.”

“This is huge.” I’m astonished by the magnitude of my grandfather’s plan, and he nods, his lips twisting into the evil grin that earned him his reputation.

“We must go in heavy and leave nothing to chance. Massimo will not leave that restaurant alive. You have my word on that.”

He stands and nods toward the door. “It’s time to eat and Nonna will be angry if we are late. Come, let us enjoy a family meal and talk about more agreeable things and welcome you home where you belong.”

As he slings his arm around my shoulder, it’s as if I just struck a deal with the devil. I have traded my soul and I would do it again in a heartbeat if it brings Winter back to me.

* * *

The next dayI leave for Club Mafia to inform my friends of the change of plan and to set the wheels in motion of devastation that will bring Massimo Delauren and his empire to a bitter end. But most of all, it will set Winter free and there is a tiny shred of hope in my heart that she will feel the same and our one night only will turn into the start of something beautiful – for both of us.

* * *
