Page 36 of Two Doors Down

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She walks away, and Michael and I exchange a look.

"Tell me what's been going on lately?" Michael takes off his leather jacket.

"Oh, you know. Work, work, and more work. I am working on taking a contract and account with a multi-millionaire. That has been keeping me busy." I gulp down the last of my beer.

"Yeah, helping him increase his sales? You are so good at what you do, there is no doubt about that."

"Thanks man. How are things with you?"

The bartender comes back with our drinks. She can see Michael and I are engaged in a conversation, so she quietly sets down our beers, winks at me, and walks away.

"Oh, you know, life with your sister. There is never a dull moment with that woman." Michael chuckles.

"Oh, that I do know. Has she told you of the latest mess?"

"The disaster she has caused with you and Aria? Yep, she has filled me in." Michael takes a drink of his beer.

"Yeah, and what you do think about what she has pulled?"

"I think it's bullshit. But as you know, I have to live with Jenna and I love her, so keeping my mouth shut over stuff like that is in my best interest. "

"Yeah, like they say, happy wife, happy life." I laugh out loud.

"No kidding. What are your thoughts about this circus with Jenna?" Michaels eyes become serious.

"I am really pissed at her. I mean, I finally found the one, you know? The woman I could see myself with for the rest of my life. And then Jenna sticks her meddling self in the middle of it and now Aria will not even speak to me."

"Eric, you know that I think the world of you, man. I always have. Sometimes you need to set your sister straight and not allow her to pull her childish games. If you love Aria, then don't let Jenna ruin that.”

"Easier said than done, Michael. Aria is not even speaking to me and until Jenna is put at bay, trying to mend things with Aria is senseless. Jenna will step back in and set it all up in flames again. You and I both know this."

"How can I help, Eric?"

"Can you try and talk to your wife?"

"I can try, but you know how that goes. I will have to handle things with her delicately." Michael snorts.

"Yeah, I know. I don't want to put you in a situation where it can cause problems for you two, know that." I look Michael straight in the eyes.

"I can try, but I make no promises about Jenna's behavior. You and I both know she is like trying to cage a rabid lion."

"Yeah, no shit on that. She has always been like that."

"Yeah, I bet growing up with her was interesting, ha-ha!"

Michael and I have a few more beers and talk about his work and life for both of us.

"I need to get home before the wife starts calling me." Michael stands up from the booth.

"Thanks for meeting me; it was good to see you and have some guy time." I stand up with him.

"Yeah, ditto. I will let you know how things go. If you don't hear from me, that means she has murdered me and buried my body somewhere no one knows about." Michael lets out a roar of laughter.

"Ha ha, sounds good." I pat him on the back.

The bartender sees Michael leave and beelines over to the booth. "I am off in twenty. Are you ready to have some real fun, sexy?" She grins.

"You know what, you are an incredibly attractive woman, and I am sure you are super fun. I think I am going to go home. I have to be honest: my heart is already taken. It would not be fair to you or anyone else if we hooked up. This lady and I are on a break, but my heart has never taken one moment of time off from her. I am sorry."
