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Chapter 3

“Mama! Mama!”

Alice heard the cry from somewhere far off.

Then came the barking of a dog. Ponto, no doubt.

Alice squeezed her eyes shut and nestled further into her pillow. She was so comfortable just now, her arms and legs at perfect rest, heavy against the mattress. Her room was warm but not stifling. She sighed contentedly, slipping a hand beneath her pillow.

The door swung open with a bang.

“Mama! Mama!” Joseph jumped onto the bed beside her, nearly landing on her leg.

Alice pulled her limbs closer to her to avoid them being flattened by her energetic son.

Joseph placed his hands on the bed directly beside her and leaned his head in close. “It’s St. Nicolas Day, Mama. Wake up! It’s St. Nicolas Day.”

Ponto, obedient enough to stay off the bed, barked happily, the sound of his paws pattering against the floor. He must be spinning in circles for excitement.

Alice opened her eyes and Joseph’s round face slowly came into focus.

“Happy St. Nicolas Day, my dearest boy.”

“Happy St. Nicolas Day, Mama!” Joseph dropped to give her a hug, his head colliding with Alice’s.

“Oh, gracious,” Alice said with a giggle and a grimace. “Do be careful, my love.”

“Do you think today is the day?” Joseph said, not showing any signs at all that he’d felt the collision as she had.

“The day for what?”

“That Father Christmas will bring me my new papa?”

How could she not have guessed? Alice shut her eyes, rubbing a hand over her face and trying to wake up fully. “I don’t think Father Christmas brought you a new father last night.”

“Why not?”

“Well, Christmas has only just begun now. The real celebrations happen over the next month. It would be a shame if he brought the best at the very beginning. We’d hardly know how to celebrate the rest of the season.”

Alice’s heart hurt as she said the words. She didn’t like that she was encouraging Joseph in his fantasy, but she couldn’t bring herself to dash all his hopes either.

And she did still have a little time...if only averylittle.

Alice sat up and faced her son’s hopeful expression. “We must be patient.” She ran a hand through his curly hair.

Joseph let out a long sigh and slipped off her bed. “Okay, Mama.” Ponto must have picked up on the change in his master’s mood, for he stilled and even let out a little whimper.

Alice peered over the edge of the bed at the small dog; for being so small, he wasn’t failing his role in the household as chief distractor.

She turned back to her son. “We have some gifts to hand out to the staff today,” she said, hoping to lift his mood. “And I might have picked something up for you.” She poked at him playfully.

Joseph giggled at her touch, but then scooted away and instantly sobered.

Alice slipped from her bed and rang for Nancy. Though Joseph put on a brave face, there was no denying he was terribly disappointed.

The morning was spent opening the few small gifts Alice had purchased for Joseph, Mr. and Mrs. Clarke, Nancy, Cook, and the other staff members at Evergreen Cottage. Last year, the Christmas holiday had felt rather lonely, with it being only herself and Joseph. Consequently, Alice had decided that this year, everyone would celebrate together.

As she sat watching her son cheer when Cook grew excited over her new box of ribbons, Alice couldn’t help but smile. This was what she wanted for her son, for him to learn from all individuals, no matter their status or station. To learn to see them all as people, with lives and hopes and concerns same as himself.
