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A joyful call from the house drew both his and Charlotte’s attention.

The guests were here, and they apparently were arriving as one.

Seth steeled himself against the coming pleasantries and only slightly veiled put-downs. The time to escape was past. Not that he was upset to have missed it.

There was an old friend of Charlotte’s he was most eager to meet.

* * *

Charlotte struggled not to place her hands on her hips and insist Lord Campbell shut his mouth.

“I disagree,” she said instead, keeping her tone firm.

Lord Windham, as self-certain as he was round, spoke up before she could say more. “I do not see what you hope to accomplish by speaking to the lady of the house where Emma is employed. As for her previous post, sending her back was clear enough, was it not?”

Lord Campbell only nodded. “Actions speak louder than words.”

Lord Windham continued. “Further, if she doesn’t like where she is now, it’s nothing but her own fault.”

“But what did she say to you, sir?” Charlotte asked of Lord Windham.

He shrugged as he had every time she’d tried asking the same question during their last meeting. “Who can be sure what a young woman is saying while in hysterics?”

Charlotte had to clamp her mouth shut for a moment before she allowed herself to speak. “Surely, though, she gave you some idea of why she doesn’t feel she can remain working for Lord and Lady Baxter.”

“Does it matter?” Lord Windham said. He turned to Lord Campbell. “Speaking of Lord Baxter, did you see his new Hessians? Quite elegant.”

Lord Campbell quickly took up the change in topic, muttering that he’d been wanting a new pair himself for quite some time now.

“Then that is it?” Charlotte asked, loudly, as she was not yet ready to let the topic lie. “We turn our backs on a young woman we promised to protect over a decade ago?”

Both men responded, speaking over each other. Lord Campbell muttered something like, “Nothing so cruel as that,” even while Lord Windham held his hands out to either side with a cry of, “What else is there for us to do?”

Charlotte shut her eyes momentarily, pulling on every ounce of patience she had. “We keep trying,” she chose to respond to Lord Windham. “The asylum is not in the business of giving up on our charges, and we shouldn’t start now. Only, please tell me what she said to you.”

Lord Windham shrugged off her question again. Heaven help her, but Charlotte was growing to hate that uncaring shoulder of his.

Seth moved up to stand beside her. His presence alone calmed her. He was such a steady man. Though they frequently disagreed, he’d always taken the time to listen to her and see things from her perspective. What she wouldn’t give for someone like him on the committee. Lords Campbell and Windham could learn much from Seth.

“Forgive the interruption,” Seth said, “but I could not help but overhear.”

His society-appropriate words made her smile. Though to all else he appeared refined, she could hear the edge in his tone. How much he bit against the formalities necessary while among theton. No doubt, he was weighing his words as carefully as she was. Perhaps more so.

She rather wished she could hear exactly what he’d say if they were among merchants and costermongers—men he was most comfortable around. Perhaps, after the picnic was over, she would ask.

“I believe Lady Blackmore makes an excellent point,” Seth continued. “If Emma came to the asylum in search of help, the least you can do is listen and learn why she is so upset.”

“Quite so,” Charlotte agreed, taking a sip of her tea.

“Yes, quite so, indeed,” a sharp tenor agreed from behind her.

Charlotte knew the voice at once. She turned in her chair, nearly spilling the tea from her cup. “Lord Linfield, you’ve arrived at last.” Heavens, but it was odd seeing the man again after so many years. She’d almost convinced herself she wasn’t bothered that he appeared not to be coming. Yet, now he was standing before her, she couldn’t deny she was most glad.

Charlotte set her tea on a small side table which had been brought out onto the lawn and stood to face Lord Linfield fully. He was quite well turned out. In a dark blue jacket, tailored masterfully around his narrow shoulders, and tan breeches, he looked almost dashing. His hat was quite tall which he doffed with an overly grandiose sweep.

Charlotte greeted him with a small incline of her head. “I had rather given up on the notion of you coming today.”

He took one of her hands, bowing elegantly over it. “Nothing could have kept me away, my lady.”
