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Chapter Sixteen

After a night’s sleep, Charlotte awoke with a single thought running through her head.

She was the Marchioness of Blackmore. She didn’t need to wait for an invitation from Eliza or Dinah. If she wished to see Seth—and call him such in his presence—without society around, pushing their nose in where it wasn’t wanted, she would do so.

Charlotte arose and draped a robe about her. The summer mornings were all but done, and autumn was on its way at last. The smothering heat they’d been enduring a week ago was over now, and there was a small chill in the air at the beginning of each new day.

Atop her writing desk were several correspondences needing her attention. A few letters from friends, a couple of invitations to gatherings taking place next week, and a couple of notes from her housekeeper. Many years ago, both women had learned that writing to one another was almost easier than finding a time when they were both free and could discuss the meals for the week and other such problems.

Charlotte rang for her lady’s maid and requested a morning cup of chocolate and then sat down to work. First, before anything else, she needed to write to Emma. With quill in hand, she quickly penned a note:

Miss Emma Tilbury,

I request your company today at three. There are matters regarding your future I wish to discuss.

Most of the committee may not care for her opinion anymore, but her name still carried enough weight that the Baxter’s housekeeper would let Emma come visit when an invitation had been specifically issued.

Charlotte pulled out a second sheet of paper.


I am in need of your assistance regarding a matter of business. Please come by a little before three this afternoon.

Charlotte blotted the second letter and then looked down on her work with a smile. And just like that, two birds with one stone. She would see to Emma’s future,andshe had a ready excuse to see Seth. That he would come on a matter of business to see a respectable widow was not so wholly questionable as to raise eyebrows.

And that was only if anyone found out. With a bit of luck, no one would be the wiser.

As her late husband had been a member of Parliament and her son currently was as well, getting both letters franked was no problem at all.

After that, it was just time to sit back, await her responses, and see to it that all was set and ready for that afternoon.

* * *

Between a house to run and a grandson to spoil, the afternoon came rather quickly.

When Seth arrived, Charlotte had the footman show him into the parlor.

“So, business, is it?” he asked as he sat in the same wingback chair he’d taken last night.

“Yes, I’ve asked Emma Tilbury to join us. She should be here in about a quarter of an hour. I’m hoping between the two of us, we can discern once and for all what is the matter.”

A maid came in with tea and cakes, ending the conversation for a time. As the young woman placed the tray on the low table, Charlotte let her gaze move around the room and toward the large windows. The sky was quite clouded over today. They’d probably have rain soon. What a blessing it was that two hundred orphaned girls had a place like the asylum to keep them dry. Once Jane found a permanent place, that would be one more girl they could accept off the streets.

Charlotte had to solve this problem.

Her eyes flitted back to Seth, his brow creased in thought.

Theyhad to solve this problem.

It was a huge weight lifted off her shoulders to know she wouldn’t be facing this obstacle alone.

After the maid left, she and Seth talked for a time over all the questions they might ask Emma and the tactics they could try. They both agreed a more straightforward approach would be good, provided they weren’t so forward as to scare the young woman.

Exactly as the clock struck three, Charlotte heard a knock at her front door and the manservant’s steps as he moved to answer it.

She took advantage of their last few moments to quickly say, “I’m very glad you are doing this with me.”

Seth gave her a smile. It wasn’t an overly large smile, but on him, it meant a great deal to her. “You don’t need my help. You would have been just fine without me.”
