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True to her promise, the handkerchief was fixed in only a few minutes, and Emma proudly presented it to Charlotte.

She looked at it and turned it over, inspecting the young woman’s work. “This is quite well done,” Charlotte said in awe. “I’ve never seen such fine stitches.”

“Thank you, my lady,” Emma said, blushing.

That’s what it was she was trying to remember. At the first home where Emma had worked, the lady of the house had mentioned that Emma had fixed a jacket or something for her son. She’d been quite impressed.

“Did you do much sewing when you worked for Lady Wendleston?”

Emma’s gaze dropped to her lap. “I’m wholly ashamed to confess, but as I’m sure your ladyship already knows, I was sent back from there.”

“Yes, I do know,” Charlotte said, keeping her voice gentle. “But is it true that you did a bit of sewing while there?”

Emma nodded. “Stayed up late most nights. Just little things.”

“Items you were asked to sew?”

Emma’s voice dropped. “Sometimes. Other times I’d use fabric from the scrap bin and make dolls or soldiers for the young masters of the house. Things like that.”

“Were you often sewing late into the night, meaning you couldn’t get up the next morning?” Charlotte pressed.

The young woman wouldn’t meet Charlotte’s gaze, but slowly nodded.

“Emma,” she said, handing the handkerchief over to Seth so that he might admire it as well. “You have the skill equal to any highly sought-after seamstress I’ve ever known.”

Emma rolled her lips inward. She appeared to be trying to hide a smile.

“Do you not agree?” Charlotte asked Seth.

“Masterfully done,” he said with a nod of his head.

Charlotte turned back to Emma. “Have you ever considered working as a seamstress?”

“My lady,” Emma said, her eyes going wide, “I’ve not—I wouldn’t dream—”

Seth held up the handkerchief. “This is fine work.”

Emma’s brow creased as she looked from Charlotte to Seth. “Positions working for a seamstress are hard to come by and, if you’ll forgive my bluntness, do not always make enough for a girl such as I to live on.”

“It is hard work,” Charlotte agreed. “But if you have a love for it and aren’t afraid to put in the long hours, with a talent like yours, I think you’ll have a good chance at it.”

Emma was silent for several minutes. Charlotte and Seth sat, watching her.

At length, Emma lifted her head and spoke so softly it was nearly a whisper. “Oh, Lady Blackmore, I would love that very much.”

Charlotte felt her spirits lift.

“But...” Emma continued, her countenance falling with each word she spoke, “I can’t leave my current employer.”

Charlotte wanted to scream,Why not?But no doubt that would only frighten the young woman into silence. Instead, Charlotte took Emma’s hand and kept her voice calm. “I understand the young Biddle makes your life difficult.”

Emma didn’t respond. She hardly moved. But her gaze did flick up to Seth.

“Yes,” Charlotte answered her unasked question. “Sir Mulgrave told me what happened. He also said you alluded that Lord Baxter is possibly even worse.”

“It was wrong for me to say what I did,” Emma said in a near whisper.

“Was it a lie?” Seth asked.
