Page 118 of Dark Cravings

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"Can I say something?" I asked.

"Of course," Father Marius said, even though he seemed surprised.

"I don't know who else you're thinking about, but I think it's bullshit," I said, able to see the slack-jawed look Eddie was giving me out of the corner of my eye.

Arrow just looked like he was one critical remark away from sucker punching me. We might have been priests, but Father Marius was the one he worshiped, and he defended him as ardently as any religious zealot.

"You object?" Father Marius asked, lifting his eyebrows. "I thought that might be the case."

"Of course I object," I muttered. "But not because I think you should choose me. I don't, honestly."

"Castor," Eddie said, staring at me in confusion. “What are you saying?”

I ignored him. "I used to think your job was primarily about protecting this place from the outside world, but it isn't. You've always done that well enough, but more than anything, you protect us from ourselves. From all the ways this job can turn us into monsters worse than anything out there."

"That's true enough," Father Marius said thoughtfully.

"So, the decision should be easy," I said with a shrug. "Wolf or not, Eddie is more human than any of us. And he's already proven he's willing to sacrifice himself for the good of the Church. What else matters more than that?"

"Indeed," the patriarch mused.

Eddie looked between us, frowning. "CanIsay something?"

"Why not?" Father Marius sighed.

"He's full of shit," he said, pointing at me. "Castor is the best choice. The only choice. He's been willing to sacrifice himself for the Abbey plenty of times—long before I showed up. And no matter what either of you thinks, he has more heart than anyone. Yeah, he can be cold, but that's just because he's seen the worst this world has to offer, and he wants to fight for it anyway. Besides, everyone would feel a whole lot better with him at the helm than me. Me included."

Before I could argue, Father Marius chuckled. "Your sentiments are noted. But as I said, I've already made my decision."

I clenched my jaw, trying to bite back my frustration. I didn't care who it was. I knew every last recruit and clergyman in the Church, and save for Arrow, who clearly didn't want the job, there was no one else I would trust to hold it. Even Arrow seemed anxious for his master’s response.

"I’ve chosen both of you," Father Marius finally said.

Just when I thought he was going to give an actual answer.

I groaned. "Would you be serious?"

"I am," he said without a hint of hesitation or facetiousness. "Your assessment of each other, and yourselves, is accurate enough. Impressively so—and all the more affirmation that I've made the right decision. Individually, you each have your shortcomings, but I expect with time, as you learn and grow together, your complementary strengths will outweigh them."

"You want us to lead together," Eddie said, staring at him in the same bewilderment I felt. "Is that even a thing?" Can there be two patriarchs?" He hesitated, pointing to himself. "Would that make me thematriarch?"

Father Marius laughed, which made him wince, and as he touched his side, it became clear he wasn't quite fully healed yet. "I'm afraid you'll have to work that out between yourselves when the time comes. But I don't plan on leaving anytime soon, and I expect you'll have the details hammered out by then. Should you choose to accept the role, of course."

Eddie looked expectantly at me, but I was still processing everything myself.

"I'm good with it if you are," I said to my mate with a shrug. "We're bound anyway. Might as well make it official."

"Yeah," he said, smiling a little as he reached for my hand. I took it, giving it a squeeze. "Might as well."

"Wonderful," said Father Marius. "It's settled, then." He winced again. "Now, if you'll excuse me. I think that's enough excitement for this old man for one day."

Arrow frowned, going to his side. He reached out, wiping a droplet of blood from the corner of Father Marius's lips. It was strange to see him like this. Gentle. Attentive. His devotion ran deeper than what we all felt for the beloved patriarch, of that there was no doubt. Sometimes I wondered if Father Marius saw it, and others, I wondered how he couldn't.

"Come on," I said, putting a hand on Eddie's shoulder to lead him out of the room.

Once we were alone in the hall, he looked up at me, still seemingly in a state of shock. That made two of us.

"Did that really just happen?" he asked.

I smiled, reaching down to caress his cheek. "Yeah. I think it did."

"How do you really feel about it?" he asked warily. "About sharing control?"

"With you?" I asked. "I can't think of anything better. He's right. We're stronger together."

"Yeah," he said softly, leaning into my palm. "We are."

I pulled him into my arms and crushed my lips to his. They were soft and smooth, and as he sank against me, I found myself thinking about how right it felt to hold him like this. To have him to share everything with, now and forever.

I hoped it would be a long, long time before either of us took the reins as the new leaders of the Church, but when the time finally came to step into that role, there was no one I would rather share it with than him.
