Page 69 of Under the Influence

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“She’s been working with the Russians to get revenge for her dead fiancé, her true love,” I say blankly.

The reality of what I’m saying hits me hard and betrayal pierces through me like a knife, carving itself through every part of my flesh.

“Rocco,” Franco says softly.

“Do you believe it, Franco? Yes, or no?” I say banging my fist on the table.

“It’s a possibility,” he says finally.

“Call Damon, keep her at the house. I don’t want her speaking to or contacting anybody. Cut her off from everything. Take me to speak to the informant.”

“Not yet.”

“Now,” I say, trying to get up.

“You need to calm down, Rocco. You’re not in any shape to be doing an interrogation. Beating seven shades of shit out of someone is not going to make you feel better,” he scolds me.

He walks out of the hospital room, and I sink into the pillow. Pain and fury starting to boil inside of me like a volcano. I find it difficult to differentiate what emotion I am feeling more. Anger or betrayal. I attempt to close my eyes to level out my thoughts, but all that does is let the darkest ones roam my mind, letting the fury sink in like poison in my bloodstream.

Something is going on, but I don’t know what. It has been hours since I came back home but I haven’t heard a word about anything. Everywhere I walk in the house, eyes follows me. Every time I ask a question I am met with a steely answer. When I request to speak to Rocco, I am told that he is busy.

“Rocco wants you to stay here while he gets patched up, he’ll call for you once he’s up and running,” Damon says finally after I ask him about Rocco more than four times.

“Is it safe to be here?” I say looking around.

“I would say you’ve been watching way too many cliche nineties’ movies, a guy in a scream mask is not waiting behind the door,” he says, rolling his eyes. “Follow me.”

“What do you mean?”

“Rocco wants you to wait in the office,” he says not quite meeting my eyes.

“What? I’m not allowed out of the office?” I say frowning.

“It’s for your own good, he doesn’t want you to feel uncomfortable with so many men in the house.” He finally finds my gaze and I notice that he has tightened his grip on the gun he’s holding.

He’s lying.

Why does Rocco want me out of the way?

“Where will you be?” I narrow my eyes at him.

“Outside the door.”

“What is going on? Damon, this is me, Sophia…I cook for you at least four times a week and you’re treating me like I’m the one who shot Rocco,” I say looking up at him imploringly.

“Don’t be so dramatic,” he says giving me a stony look. Damon leads me into the office and my heart sinks as the door locks twice behind me.

When I peer out the windows, the yard is swarming with men and guard dogs. Torches flash across the yard illuminating the darkness. I walk up and down several times trying to collect my thoughts. Then, I try to pick up the phone but there is no dial tone, so I turn on the laptop and there is no connection. Coincidence? I think not. They’re treating me like a suspect. Do they honestly think I would be behind this? One man died because of me, I wouldn’t let another follow the same fate. Anger builds up inside me, Rocco isn’t even allowing me a chance to explain myself. Has he just decided that I am guilty?

“Damon,” I say pounding on the door.

“What?” comes the muffled reply.

“Let me out! I said let me out!” I yell while banging hard on the door, but he ignores me as I continue to pound for the next hour until my energy runs out and I slide down the door in defeat.

I pace up and down several times until my legs feel numb and sit on the couch. The noise has faded now but every now and then I can discern low voices outside the door. I must have dozed off because when I wake up, it’s very late and the house has gone deadly silent apart from radio frequency. Damon unlocks the door and comes in with a couple of hot plates and a can of coke.

“I’m not hungry,” I mumble.
