Page 10 of Safeguard

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He takes a seat on the bed next to me. When he reaches for my hand, butterflies take up residence in my stomach.

“I’m frustrated because my boss is an asshole. I’m in pain, and I can’t take a fucking shower or put my hair up in a ponytail.” I’m beginning to sound like a whiny six-year old.

He drapes his arm over my shoulder, and my distracted body reacts instantly by melting into his embrace. I know he’s just being a gentleman, but I’m suddenly not upset anymore as I imagine his strong, capable hands all over me.

His steel blue eyes pierce mine, and he gives me a sexy little smirk, only feeding the fire coursing through my veins. I’m getting more and more turned on by the second and now I’m picturing myself throwing him down on the bed, and riding his cock into the sunset. He’s trying to comfort me, but the only thing he’s doing is making my nipples harder than glass and giving me a constant ache between my thighs. Fuck, I got it bad.

“Princess, let me tell Jerry where to put the cameras, and then I’ll come back to help you.”

“Cameras?” I pinch my eyebrows together.

“Yes, they’re for outside, to make sure nobody is lurking around.”

Jesus, everyone around me has lost their freaking minds.

“Don’t you think that’s a little overboard?”

“No. Now give me five minutes, and I’ll be back to help you shower.”

I’m sure the stunned expression on my face says it all.

“Uh…I don’t think so, Captain.” I glare at him like he’s an alien from outer space.

There’s no way I’m letting a man I barely know help me shower, even though I’d secretly love to see him with water droplets dripping down his washboard abs. Maybe I’d be on my knees with his— Jesus, Mel—you need to get laid.

“Melanie?” His thick, sexy voice disrupts my thoughts, and a sudden surge of lust travels through me. The sound of my name rolling off his tongue has my insides turning to gooey caramel.

“Call me Mel. It’s what my friends call me.”

“So we’re friends now?”He smiles, making me warm and tingly all over.

Why am I biting my bottom lip?

“Urm,..sure…but just so you know, friends don’t usually get naked in front of each other.”

“No...they don’t,” he says with a chuckle. “But do you trust me?” I give him the slightest nod. “Good, then I’ll be right back.” He leaves me wondering what it is he’s got in store for me.

And fuck if it doesn’t excite me.
