Page 3 of Fake Boyfriend

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“You don’t own all of Cancun, Luna. To be honest, I was sure you wouldn’t go alone. Besides, we likely won’t see you at all once we’re there. After all, Miller and I probably won’t leave the hotel room.”

“Then why bother going to Cancun?” Nash asks.

I stiffen. The last thing I want to think about is Janine and Miller having sex. And to think that I was going to give him my virginity on the trip to Cancun. Good thing I didn’t tell him. If he’d known what I had planned, he never would have shown his true colors by choosing sex with Janine over a relationship with me.

When Janine’s gaze tracks over my shoulder, she tosses her hair over her shoulder. I roll my eyes and hope that Nash truly did learn his lesson with my mother. If he falls for Janine’s eye fluttering giggle, I think I’ll throw up.

“Don’t you think sex in exotic locations makes things more exciting?” she asks Nash.

“I think who you’re with is more important than where you are,” Nash says.

And he surprises me by wrapping his arm around me and pulling me close. Janine tilts her head. It’s her calculating look. She’s probably wondering who Nash is, but I refuse to introduce—

“Nash Copley.” Nash holds his hand out.

Miller hesitates before taking it. “Miller Harrison the third.”

“Ah, you must be the ex.”

Miller pulls at his collar and clears his throat. “Yes?”

“Not sure?” Nash teases.

Miller sputters as he looks frantically between the three of us. “Of course I’m sure.”

“Oh good,” Nash says. “Wouldn’t want you trying to get with my girl.”

“Your girl?” Janine asks.

I’m sure that Nash means it in a fatherly way. He is my stepfather after all… or he was. But still, there’s no way he’d be interested in me romantically or —I swallow— sexually.

“You said you didn’t think Luna would go to Mexico alone. She’s not,” Nash says. “Speaking of which, let me see your ticket. I need to make sure they upgraded you.”

I hesitate only a moment before handing my ticket over. When I turn back to Miller and Janine, they’re both frowning at me.

“Were you cheating on me?” Miller asks.

I laugh. Not because it’s funny, but more because it’s ironic.

“That’s the pot calling the kettle black,” I tell him.

“I didn’t cheat,” he says. “I broke up with you.”

“So you could sleep with someone I thought was my friend?”

“I still didn’t cheat,” he grits out.

“And neither did I.”

“Then who’s Nash?”

I pause only a moment before saying, “he’s a friend of the family.”

“Why do you sound jealous?” Janine folds her arms and turns to face Miller.

When they start bickering, I walk away. They chose each other, so as far as I’m concerned, they deserve each other.

I move up next to Nash as he chats with the gate agent. They’re laughing about something as I approach. I lay a hand on Nash’s arm, which he then wraps around me as he glances over his shoulder where Janine and Miller are still whisper-yelling.
