Page 122 of Sicilian Sunset

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I sigh contentedly, putting down the book I snatched from Tiero’s library as I stare at the glimmering vastness before me.

I glance at Tiero. How did I get so lucky to end up on this island with him?

What the hell does he see in me?

If only I had the guts to ask. But he’s so engrossed in his book, looking relaxed and peaceful, I’m not willing to ruffle any feathers and potentially listen to something I’d rather not hear.

I roll onto my stomach and steeple my chin on my hands.

“What are you reading?”

“The latest John Grisham thriller,” he replies without taking his eyes off the page.

“You’re way too relaxed to be reading a thriller.”

Tiero smirk. “What should I look like?”

“Tense, chewing on your nails, face scrunched up in anticipation…”

“Is that what you look like when you read a thriller?”

He puts down his book and moves closer to me. I snuggle into his warm body and let my fingers play with his nipples.

“I don’t read thrillers. My poor little heart couldn’t stand the death, blood, and guts. Remember. I’m risk-averse,” I joke, even though it’s the truth.

“I prefer sweet and innocent… relatively speaking… I do like hot and steamy scenes in my sweet and innocent books.”

Tiero shakes his head, eyes sparkling. “Tell me about your first hot and steamy time that robbed you of your innocence.”

He wants to know how I lost my virginity? Really?

“Oh,” I flush red at the memory of my first time. “Well, it certainly wasn’t hot and steamy, more like awkward and uncomfortable.”

Don wasn’t very experienced or adventurous enough to have tried out much. I was only the second girl he slept with, and his previous girlfriend probably left him because the sex was mediocre.

When we first got together, he really wasn’t a great lover. But even back then, it wasn’t all about the sex for me. We shared a connection, and that was more important. Though it was nothing compared to what’s going on between Tiero and me.

The sex got better over time as Don and I learned about each other’s bodies and what brought us pleasure. But that first time, he was so excited, foreplay was more like fore-groping, and the total experience was over before I knew it.

“Don, my first boyfriend, tried to make it something special. We went away for the weekend and stayed at a nice cottage by the sea with a fireplace and a hot tub. So full marks for ambiance, but the rest… well, it’s not something you write books about.”

It had hurt… a lot, and I was glad when it was over.

The best part of the experience was the cuddling afterward. It was more intimate and memorable than the act itself, and I felt a closeness to Don I hadn’t expected after the disappointment of my first time.

The man who’s holding me now couldn’t be more different. “I wish you could have been my first. I’m sure with you it would have been amazing.”

Tiero’s face turns serious as he pushes me onto my back and lays his body over mine.

“I wish I had been your first, too. I hate the idea of other men touching you, of their dicks having been inside you. I want to be the only one.”

He kisses me possessively as if staking his ownership of me now.

If I had time to think about his words, I’m sure I’d be shocked about his claim on me, but my mind is too wrapped up in the sensations he awakes with just his lips.

He breaks away when we both are breathless, his fingers caressing my face with such tenderness I forget that I desperately need to draw in air.

“What about you, Signor De Marco? Who took your innocence?” I whisper against his skin, my voice gone hoarse.
