Page 152 of Sicilian Sunset

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They could never work together.

As if realizing this too, the dove quickly steps away. It startles the raven, and it flies off.

Fucking brilliant.

I let out a dejected sigh, on the brink of tears once more.

Thanks, universe, but I didn’t need the reminder.

With a heavy heart, I delete what I’ve typed and put my phone in my pocket.

Maybe I should delete his number? No, that would be premature.

There’s still no call from the front desk. Perhaps it’s best to wait downstairs. Too many memories of last night confront me in this room.

Before I turn to leave, I inhale the fresh sea air one last time and admire the view.

Wow, what an amazing time I had here. Sicily turned out to be a complete surprise package.

I move through the room, making sure I haven’t forgotten anything. My eyes tear up again when I see the dead flowers, and I grab a tissue from my purse to wipe my nose.

Good thing I’m traveling alone. I’m in no mood for company.

I stare into space as I take the elevator to the lobby. With just me inside, it’s rather spacious, and I hate to admit it, but I kind of miss having three testosterone-laden men surrounding me.

When I get to the lobby, I can see a man in a driver’s uniform waiting by the door, and I make my way to him. Why didn’t they ring me?

“Miss O’Neil?” he asks in a heavily accented voice. I nod, and he takes my suitcase and bag and leads the way.

Instead of a taxi, a tinted town car is parked by the curb. Hmm, perhaps the hotel has an arrangement with a car service?

The driver deposits my luggage in the boot and opens the back-seat door. I slide in, and the door closes behind me.

To my surprise and utter shock, someone is already sitting there.

A well-dressed, older gentleman with a serious expression faces me.

“Who are you?” I stammer.

An immediate sinking feeling hits my stomach, and my entire body goes cold.

Something is seriously wrong.

I need to get out of this car… NOW.

I turn to open the door, but even before my hand touches the handle, a hand comes around my waist, pulling me away. I let out a scream, but nobody on the outside seems to notice.

The driver starts the car, and within seconds, we pull out into the street.

I struggle to break free, but the man’s grip on me is firm.

Full body tremors seize every part of me.

Primal screams fill the space in the car… my screams. They sound foreign to my ears, the panic making my voice unrecognizable.

I have to get away!

Adrenalin pumps through my body. Amidst my ear-splitting screaming, I gasp for air.
