Page 36 of Sicilian Sunset

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Our little procession gathers obvious interest. Gasps and whispers erupt all around us, and I hear someone gasp, “il leone”. Gualtiero is clearly known around here, so why is there no information on him on the internet?

With his hand on my lower back, we walk past several women who openly gawk at my hot dinner date. Others smile at him flirtatiously, but he pays no attention to any of them. They eye me up and down with obvious curiosity, probably wondering what this hunk is doing with someone like me. I’m doubly glad now the girls talked me into buying this dress. At least I look the part. Holding my head high, I straighten my posture and pretend I belong by the side of this Italian god.

Go me!

Gualtiero pulls out my chair while Mateo and Romeo do the same for the girls. When we’re seated, they too take their seats. Gualtiero is to my right, Rhia to my left, while Zoe is flanked by the other two gods, facing us. She’s clearly enjoying being the meat in their sandwich.

The hostess hands us our menus, tells us about today’s specials and then disappears into the shadows. Like a well-orchestrated dance, a smartly dressed server appears next to fill our water glasses.

“Can I get you anything from the bar while you look over your menus?” he asks, his Italian accent heavy. Gualtiero looks at me, then the girls. “Would you like champagne or something else?”

“Champagne would be lovely, thank you.” Rhia replies politely and I nod in agreement. I rarely drink, only on special occasions, but tonight I might just need a bit of liquid courage. I’m still nervous and try hard not to show it. God, I hope it’s not too obvious.

Opposite Ella, shine through me,I invoke.

The men each order a glass of scotch, and we make polite conversation until our drinks arrive.

A song that Rhia loves starts playing, and her body sways automatically to the rhythm. Mateo notices and rises from his seat. Holding out his hand, he asks Rhia to dance. Without hesitation, she puts her hand in his and lets him lead her to the small dance floor that’s tucked away at the back of the restaurant.

As she leaves, she not so subtlety winks at Zoe, who jumps up immediately, grabs Romeo’s hand and drags him to dancefloor too. Both of them are in full flirtation mode. They laugh and touch each other at every opportunity.

Damn them.

I stare after them, not wanting to believe they’d desert me like this. Rhia knows exactly what she’s doing. She keeps glancing over, smiling mischievously.

Ah well, might as well make the most of it.

With the four of them dancing, I see my chance to sate my curiosity. But can I be upfront and just ask him? Or should I engage in polite chit-chat first and warm up to the subject? God, how do people do this?

I cross and uncross my legs under the table, my knees bouncing with nerves. Very unladylike, I wipe my sweaty hands on the chair.

Why am I making this so hard? Fuck it, Opposite Ella is here… and she’s not afraid.

Taking a deep breath for courage, I go for it. “Can I ask you something?” I carefully begin.

“Of course.” He nods with a warm smile. He’s been watching me closely and must wonder what’s going on in my head.

I pause for a moment, uncertain how to proceed. But I’ve started, and now there’s no turning back.

“What happened yesterday afternoon?” I ask, “The car… why? Why was someone trying to run you over?”

Chapter Eight


Tiero’sfacedarkensasI speak, his eyes going cold and unreadable.

For just a moment, he looks like someone completely different, and I’m taken aback. Then he seems to recall who he’s talking to, and his easy smile returns.

Shrugging, he says nonchalantly, “I’m a businessman, Ella. I have a few enemies. It comes with the territory.”

Trying to lighten the sudden serious mood, he adds with a wink, “This is Italy. People here are passionate. Emotions run high, and people do stupid things when they don’t think clearly.”

Don’t I know it? I’ve done my fair share of stupid things when I’ve been upset. Said things I shouldn’t have in the heat of the moment, but never did I want to kill someone.

But then, the stakes were never high. It’s obvious Gualtiero walks in different circles to me. I push a little more. “Someone wanted you dead. How can you be so relaxed about it?”

“It’s sweet you’re worried for me,” he deflects, giving me a warm smile. “But there’s no reason to, princess. Everything is under control.” Pointing to the table next to us, he adds with a scowl in their direction, “That’s why I have security with me.”
