Page 70 of Sicilian Sunset

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I change into my blue bikini, grab my book and phone, and head to the pool, where I make myself comfortable on a chaise under an umbrella. I begin to read, but my eyelids quickly grow heavy, and I fall asleep.

A pinging sound wakes me up, and I see my phone vibrate on the little table next to me. I stare at it for a moment.

Even without looking at it, I know who it is. I’m surprised it’s taken him so long. I hesitate, butterflies fluttering in my stomach. Taking a deep breath, I take the phone and swipe open the message.

Tiero: Princess, I’ll pick you up for dinner at seven. Can’t wait to see you.

I shake my head, amused. Why is it this man never asks?

Ah, that’s right… it’s the ruling nature of his name. He commands, and people follow.

It irks me a little that he thinks he can decide my movements. Yet, there’s something sexy about his domineering way, and I can’t deny my body melts a little more every time I’m with him.

Part of me had hoped he would ring—I long to hear the low timbre of his voice. The space I wanted to put between us seems like too much now. Rhia, being busy, gives me the perfect excuse to renege on my conviction to stay away from him.

To be honest without the distraction of sightseeing today, he’s all I can think about, and it has made me horny as hell. That magnetic pull between us is strong, even when we aren’t together.

The fire he ignited when I first laid eyes on him has gained momentum and burns brighter than ever. I feel hot all over and it’s not from the sun. My tummy does involuntary somersaults.

I need to cool off.

I get up and dive into the water, swimming to the edge on the side of the cliff and staring out into the blueness of the sea. When I’ve found my inner calm again, I get out and lay back on my chaise. After twenty minutes I finally reply—don’t want to come across as too eager.

Me: Okay. See you then.

Chapter Fourteen


It’salmostseveno’clock,and I’m getting ready to go out.

Rhia has been holed up in her room and hasn’t surfaced all afternoon. One week is not long to pull this off, and she’s understandably freaking out. But she works best under pressure, and I know she’ll be brilliant. If she makes the top two, she’ll be traveling to London the following week to present her proposal to the board of directors—no pressure!

Feeling restless after my text exchange with Tiero, I wasn’t able to enjoy the slow day I had craved. I lounged by the pool, dozed on and off, and tried to read the mafia romance I picked up weeks ago in preparation for this trip—after all, Sicily is home to the mafia. I couldn’t get into the book though, my thoughts continuously swirling towards Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome.

Nervous anticipation has been building for hours. My stomach is in knots. At this rate, I’m not sure I can eat anything.

“Are you ready yet?” Rhia calls from her room. “Let me see you.”

I walk over and do a little twirl in front of her. I’m wearing a shirt and skirt combo tonight rather than a dress.

The dark moss green sleeveless wrap shirt complements my fair skin tone and exposes the swell of my breasts tantalizingly. The matching tight-fitting light gray skirt with moss green and dark brown stripes is three-quarter length and hugs my figure. Of course, Rhia had the right high heels in her arsenal which seem to make my legs stretch for miles.

“Oh, you’re such a prick tease,” Rhia says happily. “He won’t know what hit him.”

“I can’t believe you’re ditching me for work,” I mock her.

“I’m sorry, sweets. I promise I’ll take you to the fanciest restaurant in Dublin with the first paycheck from this job.”

Punctual as always, Tiero knocks on the door at seven o’clock sharp. I grimace at Rhia before I head into my room to open the door.

My breath catches in my throat. He’s dressed in a dark gray suit, tailored perfectly to his body. It hugs his shoulders and hips and makes my fingers itch to touch him.

His eyes take me in hungrily, and he licks his lips. “Wow. I didn’t think it was possible for you to look any more ravishing… you’re stunning, princess.” He leans in and kisses my forehead.

What? That’s it?

Then his aftershave hits my nose, and all I want to do is nuzzle in closer.
