Page 72 of Sicilian Sunset

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“Did your grandfather teach you about car mechanics?”

“Yes, he did. I know the basics. If a car breaks down, there’s a good chance I get it going again,” I say, somewhat proudly. My skills have come in handy many times over the years. Especially on road trips with Rhia.

We fall into easy conversation, and time flies. I’m clueless where we are, having paid no attention. Tiero slows down the car as we drive through large iron gates, up a long driveway, and come to a stop in front of a majestic-looking villa.

A valet opens my door and helps me out. Tiero tosses him the keys as he takes my elbow to guide me up the few steps to the front door. We’re flanked immediately by four security guards, who scan the area diligently. I look at Tiero questioningly, but he just nods.

The maître D welcomes us and leads us to a corridor to one side of the entrance, gesturing to an elevator. Santino and Mauro join us while the other two station themselves by the door.

I only catch a brief glance of the restaurant. It appears elegant and exclusive. I wonder why we aren’t dining in there given it looks so inviting. Gentle piano music plays in the background, but the elevator doors close, and the sound dies. Tiero smiles down at me. I smile back, then raise an eyebrow as if to ask,‘What’s next? Where are we going?’

He chuckles and replies to my unspoken question. “Patience, my princess. You’ll see soon enough.”

The elevator dings, and Santino and Mauro leave first and sweep the area. We wait a moment and, at Santino’s nod, step out onto a large rooftop.

It’s lit up by hundreds of candles, giving the space a warm and intimate flair. Blinking rapidly, I’m trying to take everything in.


My mouth falls open, but no words come out. I’ve never seen so many candles in one place. It transforms the area into something truly magical.

A lone table for two sits in the middle, surrounded by flowering trees, potted in large barrels. Fairy lights illuminate the flowers—it’s like an enchanted garden.

A string duet to one side fills the air with sweet, harmonious tunes. A partition is blocking their view of our table. He’s thought of everything to ensure our privacy.

Nerves rumble in my stomach.

“I’m lost for words. It’s amazing.” I say in awe. “How come there aren’t more people up here dining? This has to be much nicer than the dining room downstairs.”

“You’re right. Normally it’s packed. Dining under the stars is popular. But I wanted you all to myself,” he says, placing a tender kiss on my forehead.

“You reserved the whole rooftop for us?”

He nods as he pulls out my chair to seat me. I’m flabbergasted. This isn’t a cheap establishment. It must have cost him a small fortune. The thought makes me uncomfortable. Nobody has ever gone to such lengths to impress me.

“I don’t know what to say,” I whisper as Tiero takes his seat next to me. “You know you don’t have to do this.”

He takes my hand and places a gentle kiss on top. My stomach somersaults, and my pulse quickens. “You are a very special woman, and I want to give you the best.”

My throat is suddenly parched, and I reach for my water glass nervously. It’s becoming clearer by the second that Tiero is here to seduce.

How long can I resist this onslaught of charm?

My defenses are crumbling. What will be left of them by the end of the night?

Let loose and enjoy life.Rhia’s words echo to mind.

Maybe I should give this a go. Tiero wants me. That much is clear. It must be the little devil’s voice talking because just as I finish the thought, the little saint’s voice sitting on my other shoulder is piping up.No, stay strong. Casual sex only leads to heartbreak.

Shut up, both of you.

Santino and Mauro leave the rooftop, having finished their surveillance, just as a server appears with our champagne. Liquid courage... perfect.

We clink glasses and I eagerly take a sip. I’m such a lightweight with alcohol. The effects hit me straight away and my body relaxes. I wholeheartedly welcome it.

Tiero watches me, amusement written all over his handsome face. I draw in a deep breath through my nose. Smiling at him, I whisper on the exhale, “Why are you looking at me like this?”

“Why do I make you so nervous, princess?” he asks, going straight for the kill.
