Page 103 of Nights At Sea

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The entire complex is surrounded by spacious parkland, complete with ancient statues and a lake, which she says remind her of a castle park in Austria where she grew up.

When we get to the lake, Ella takes one look at the cool oasis and immediately kicks off her shoes, strips out of her dress, and runs into the water.

“You know, there’s a perfectly fine swimming pool in the courtyard,” I call after her. She turns around, rolling her eyes at me. “This is much better. Why don’t you join me?”

The invitation is more than I can take. Seeing her in black lacy underwear and wet… droplets of water running down her delectable body… well, my trousers are bulging in no time.

I rip off my shirt, about to take off my shoes, when Ella’s high-pitched squeal sets off alarm bells.

Has she been stung by something in the water? She rushes to some reefs by the shore looking upset.

“What is it? Are you okay?” I ask, rushing to her side. She doesn’t answer, her attention captured by something near the water’s edge. God, I hope it’s not a body.

It is a body.

Just not a human body.

She hovers over what looks like a duck that’s been torn open, probably by a dog. It’s still alive, wriggling in pain as Ella talks to it soothingly.

Turning to me, she says, “I need your shirt… or my dress. Quickly!”

Not moving, I stare at the creature, not getting any closer.

“Tiero,” Ella calls more urgently. “Grab your shirt.”

My eyes are drawn to its feet, and I shudder.

“Why are you just standing there? Will you please fetch me your shirt?”

I meet her eyes, and she raises hers at me expectantly. I retrieve our clothes from where we stripped off and hand her my shirt, careful to keep my distance.

“We need to get it to a vet,” she says, as she wraps the injured bird in my shirt to stop it from moving and to contain its insides, which are partly hanging out. She’s remarkably calm given the gruesome scene and is efficient in her movements as she cares for the little creature.

She stands up with the wrapped-up bundle in her arms, ready to rush back to the house.

“Here, you carry it. I need to get dressed,” she says, trying to hand over the bird, but I take a step back.

Ella looks at me completely dumbfounded.

“What the hell? Do mob bosses not carry injured wildlife? For heaven’s sake, Gualtiero,” she huffs, annoyed, stepping towards me, still holding out the bird.

Again, I step back, holding my arms out in front of my chest. I’m not touching this creature. “Get it away from me.”

Shaking her head, Ella grunts, “Fine.”

She turns around, cradling the bird against herself, and picks up her dress, swinging it over her shoulder, ready to go back to the house.

“Ella, wait. You can’t walk back half-naked.”

“Well, I don’t have my hands free to get dressed…”

My staff can’t see her like this. I’d have to blind the lot of them.

Come on. Get over yourself.

My body breaks out in a sweat as I reluctantly take the bird off her, holding it at arm’s length.

Ella watches me as she pulls on her dress. “What’s wrong with you? I’ve never seen you like this.”
