Page 143 of Nights At Sea

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In the picture, Tiero is looking at me. His eyes are sparkling, and it’s like I can still feel them on me. I grin from ear to ear, a picture of happiness as I nuzzle against him. It’s a far cry from the girl staring at the photo now.

And there go the tears again.

“We took this picture on the island.” Not that you can tell, because Tiero and I fill the screen. “There are a few more in the series.”

And then miraculously two more appear, accompanied by the message,“I love this man so much.”

Yeah… the bloody tears can’t be stopped now.

I show Rhia. And through a tight throat, I squeeze out, “I do love him, Rhia. So so much. Despite everything he’s done, I can’t deny my feelings for him. He’s anchored in my soul. But we have no future. If all is going as planned, I’m never going to see him again, and it’s tearing me apart. I’m not sure I can get over him… ever.”

“Oh, sweets… come here.” Rhia is quick to embrace me and hold me tight. “You’re so strong. You can deal with anything. You’ve proven that to yourself these past few weeks.

“You’ve climbed down a freaking cliff, El! Without a harness. You, the woman who wouldn’t even go abseiling with me. You’ve got this. And you’re not alone. Lex and I are always there for you.

“What’s ahead won’t be easy, but you are strong, and you can do this. I know you can.

“Youwillget you to America undetected and build a new life. And if you’re pregnant, it will complicate things, but it’s also a blessing. And remember what your ma used to say?‘You’re never given more than you can handle.’I believe that too.”

“Great to know the universe has so much faith in me,” I say sarcastically. “And thanks for reminding me about the potential bun in my oven. I wanted to forget about this for a while.”

“No point in running away from it. We need to get a pregnancy test.”

“Rhi, it’s too early for that. This all happened only two days ago. I doubt any pregnancy test can pick up hormone changes that early.”

She goes to her handbag and pulls out another phone and begins typing. I get off the bed too and look over her shoulder.

“Why do you have two phones?”

“Because your wanna-be-husband is monitoring mine, and I need to find out about pregnancy tests.”

“Oh my God, do you think he has access to the microphone? Is that why the pictures have suddenly turned up? Does he know we’re together?”

“No. That’s pure coincidence. Lex made sure he only has access to my calls, messages, and internet searches.”

“You’re sure about that?” I question.

“Totally. Super-spy boyfriend, remember? Besides, they think we’re in Dublin.”

Rhia is not worried at all. The same can’t be said for me.

“Shit Rhi. He’ll realize your phone is in Switzerland, and he’ll pinpoint us in this hotel. He’s probably on his way here now. Fuck.”

“Whoa, horsey, calm down. It’s all sorted. Lex has a forwarder set up in our apartment. Our cellular phone location is still in Dublin. We checked it today before we turned my phone on. We’re safe. Promise.”

I let out a long breath, rubbing my neck.

“Truly. We’re good,” she reassures me again.

I nod and pace the room, while Rhia reads on her phone for a minute before looking up at me. “When’s your period due? It says here you can use this test on the first day of your missed menses.”

“It says menses? That’s a bit old-fashioned, isn’t it?” Rhia just shrugs her shoulders and looks at me expectantly. “Hmm, I think I should get it in a few days. The chances of me being pregnant are small. This happened too late in my cycle. Surely, I wouldn’t have been fertile anymore.”

“Next time, get the shot, will you? Saves us both from having to worry.”

“Yeah, well. Isn’t hindsight a bitch?”

“She sure is. Anyway, let’s get a few tests. Take one now. It’s most likely going to be negative, but you never know. It might tell us already. And if not, you’ll find out on the cruise.”
