Page 15 of Nights At Sea

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I let my gaze drift to the cliff below and follow her example. Something in the distance down by the water catches my eye. It looks like a small jetty hidden amongst the boulders and rocks.

Why would there be a jetty near an impenetrable-looking cliff? Maybe there is a tunnel somewhere close by leading to the shore?

I study the rock formations in that spot and my breath catches.

Holy crap!

I do a double take.

Are those stairs carved into the rock?

If they are, they perfectly blend into their surroundings, making them almost invisible to the naked eye. I focus my attention again on that part of the cliff and become more and more convinced that’s what they are.

They look very narrow, but if they are there, it means people have used them. And that means I can and will use them too.

My heart soars at the thought of being able to escape.

Okay, keep a cool head. Think before you act.

If I do this, I need to get a move on before anybody comes looking for me. Given I have no money and no idea how long it will take to find help, I need to take some provisions along. But what is there?

And what will I do once I escape?

Now isn’t the time to contemplate this. One step at a time. I’ll figure it out as I go.

I scrutinize my surroundings and notice the tray full of food. I devour the fruit… best to start this journey with a full stomach. I wrap the bread and pizza into a napkin and try to stuff it into my dress pockets. Damn, they’re not big enough.

Mariella also left two bottles of water… I need something to carry them in. In search of something useful, I spot the blue tablecloth. That will do. It’s also big enough to serve as a blanket should I have to spend the night outside.

I take it off the table and fold it to make a sort of makeshift rucksack. I place the water and food in it and take off my belt to wrap around the top to hold it together.

I glance around to make sure my activity hasn’t been noticed. When I’m sure the coast is clear, I hop over the balustrade.

There’s only a narrow strip of rock before the cliff drops off steeply.

Don’t look down. Don’t look down.

I tiptoe along the edge, bending low enough to prevent me from being seen.

I wonder if the blue of my dress makes me blend in with the ocean.

Oh, for goodness’ sake, why are the most random thoughts popping into my mind right now?

Focus, Ella. Focus!

My heart is pounding in my chest, adrenaline racing through my veins.

I dare a glance over the edge and clutch the balustrade in panic. It’s a long way to the bottom.

Don’t look down, I chastise myself.

Sweat is dripping from my face, and it’s hard to breathe.

Shit. This is nerve-racking!

I’m not made for this!

This is crazy, but it’s the only way I can see to get away. I won’t be held prisoner.
