Page 19 of Nights At Sea

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My stomach grumbles and I pull out what’s left of my food from my dress pocket. I tear off a piece of bread and devour it. It’s fluffy and comforting and just perfect. After a mouthful of water, I get up and make my way across the beach to a little path I spotted. Fingers crossed it will lead me to civilization.

When I reach it, I hesitate. Tingles of fear grip me, making it difficult to breathe. I take in a few deep breaths of air to steady myself.

The path leads through a small forest with tall trees and thick undergrowth on both sides. While the moon attempts to break through the canopy of trees, the darkness in there is overpowering.

I swallow hard, adrenaline tensing my limbs. There could be anything in there.

I’ve come too far to give up now. Come on.

God, I really hate the dark and it’s pitch black in there. I won’t be able to see my hand in front of my eyes.

Perhaps I should wait till dawn.

I wish I had a torch, but then again, I don’t think that would really help with my fear.

I weigh up my options and decide to ”assume a virtue if you have it not” once again and be brave and courageous… to feel the fear and do it anyway.

I can do this!

My heart racing and goosebumps covering my body, I take a few tentative steps. My eyes somewhat adjust, and I can at least make out the next couple of steps.

Exhaling, I press on until I hear the cracking of a piece of wood.

My heart literally stops.

Then silence.

I stand stock-still, straining my ears for any additional noises. My hands are shaking, and I clasp them together to stop them from trembling.

It was just an animal.

I repeat this over and over to myself, but there’s no relief from the fear.

Suddenly a voice from behind says, ”Buonaserra.”

My heart leaps into my throat, and I let out a high-pitched scream.

I spin around, my body tremulous, my pulse in my ears.

I squeeze my eyes shut. This can’t be happening.

When I open my eyes again, I can make out the silhouette of a tall, broad man. Neither one of us is moving.

What am I going to do?

I turn the other way, ready to bolt and run straight into a hard chest.

Fuck, there’s two of them!

Thick arms come around me and lift me off the ground. I kick and struggle to wiggle my way out, screaming from the top of my lungs for help… but no help comes.

A sting in my arm puts me on high alert.

Oh my God, did they just drug me?!

No, no, no, no, no… not again.

Panic courses through my body.
