Page 29 of Nights At Sea

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Wow. I’m rendered speechless—again.

On the one hand, I’m appalled at Tiero’s caveman act of claiming me as his woman from the moment we met.

On the other, I’m glad he took responsibility to protect me.

If what he’s said is true and I’ve become a target, does that mean I’ve been watched by his enemies the entire time?

This is so messed up!

“What if there’s a mole in your organization and they get to me despite all your best efforts?” I ask, my stomach churning.

Tiero’s face darkens for a moment, and his eyes turn cold.

“You’re safe as long as you follow orders.”

I scoff at that. Of course, he would want me to follow orders. It makes me wonder how serious the threat really is, or if he just wants me to be compliant. He could tell me anything, and I have no way of verifying any of it.

God, the conversation reminds me of the one I had with Barroni.

“Your adviser gives me the creeps. I don’t trust him,” I tell Tiero. “And why is it that the guy I saw with him yesterday was at Syracuse Cathedral signaling to another man who I bumped into accidentally just before I met you?”

Now Tiero’s face really freezes over. “What do you mean?”

Ah, there is something he doesn’t know. “Moments before we met, I crossed the street and bumped into a guy who was on the phone watching something… or someone on the other side. I presume it was you…The same guy was at the cathedral the afternoon I visited Syracuse. He was on the phone again. And the guy who came to speak to Emiliano Barroni yesterday was there too, signaling something to him.”

Tiero’s expression turns murderous, and I shrink down in my chair, wanting to get away from him.

Looks like I hit a nerve. Perhaps I wasn’t that far off the mark about the mole. Would his own adviser turn against him? What world have I entered?

But there are more pressing concerns in my mind than someone betraying the seething man in front of me.

“What about Rhia? Is she in danger?” I ask.

I need to know my best friend is safe.

“She’s in less danger than you are. But yes, given how close the two of you are, there’s a chance they might try to get to her,” Tiero admits. “But don’t worry, I have eyes on her.”

“How much danger is she in?” I could not live with myself if anything happened to her because of me.

“So far, they have shown no interest in her. Her safety is a priority to me because Rhia is important to you. She’s probably safer than she’s ever been.”

I doubt that. She’s safest with Lex. He would move heaven and earth to ensure her safety. I wish he was back from South America already.

I let out a sigh. I don’t like any of this one bit, least of all his matter-of-fact tone and the fact he’s taken away all my freedoms.

I hate this helplessness and being at the mercy of others whose moral compass is so unlike mine.

Tiero studies me intently, and I look away, unable to tolerate his penetrating gaze.

My heart rate picks up speed as long seconds pass.

“Look at me, angel,” he says softly, and I reluctantly do.

“Chemistry like ours is rare. I know you’ve felt it too. It was written all over your face and deep in your eyes from the very beginning. Even now, you find it hard to withstand the pull toward me. Stop resisting it, and we’ll get back to where we were. We will be happy together.”

His seductive tone enchants me. His warm breath on my neck is chipping away at my anger, and my resolve to fight him weakens.

I want to rebuke his claim on me, but I can’t.
