Page 40 of Nights At Sea

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People escaped from Alcatraz. Surely I can disappear from a Sicilian mansion.

I’m trying to think, but my mind is empty. I’ve got nothing.

Suddenly, I feel exhausted. The fear and uncertainty of the past couple of days is catching up with me.

I close my eyes and feel myself drifting off into the peaceful abyss where abductions and obsessed Sicilians don’t exist.

Birds are singing outside and a few rays of light peek through the curtains. Wow, it’s the best night’s sleep I’ve had in days. I was out like a log, not waking once.

I stretch out my body and enjoy the silky sheets as they slide along my skin. Gualtiero buys only the best… or more likely he has somebody else buy the best for him.

Closing my eyes again, I roll onto my side, snuggling into my pillow, but as I stretch out my arm, it hits something hard.

My eyes fly open wide when I see Gualtiero beside me.

My body freezes in place.

He’s fast asleep, his naked chest rising and falling rhythmically, his lower half covered by the sheet.

God, I hope he’s not completely naked.

I rub my eyes to reaffirm what I’m seeing is true.

What the hell is he doing in my bed?

I sit up and pull the blanket up over my chest to shield my barely covered body.

With him still asleep, I study him. He really is panty-meltingly gorgeous.

Don’t go there again, I remind myself.

His face looks so peaceful, and my fingers itch to touch him and run my fingers along his stubble. A stubble that felt so incredible against my thighs when he used to eat me out with a raw hunger that set my body on fire.

Ella! Don’t go there.

I need to keep those horny feelings in check.

Gualtiero’s arms are raised and rest behind his head, which makes his biceps appear extra-large and muscly. I so love his arms… and there I go again. Stop it!

“Are you just going to stare at me?” Gualtiero asks with his eyes still closed, startling me. “I can feel the heat of your gaze. You know, you can touch me anytime, anywhere you want, princess,” he says, his voice hoarse from sleep.

His Italian accent is stronger, more pronounced in the mornings, and it has unwanted effects on my girly parts. I ignore it the best I can.

“Our bed,” he replies, rolling onto his side so he can look at me. “Couples share a bed.”

I blink at him in horror.

“You’re kidding me! We are not a couple, Gualtiero. And never will be again. You kidnapped me, took me against my will…”

“I’ve never taken you against your will,” he interrupts with a smirk on his face. “You’ve always come willingly.”

“Oh, I so want to punch you right now and wipe that smirk off your face!” I growl out h, my anger rising.

“Good thing you know I wouldn’t tolerate it,” he replies, still light-heartedly.

I glare at him. If looks could kill, he would be six feet under multiple times by now.

“Do you really think you can just waltz in here and hop into my bed? Let me make something very clear to you, Gualtiero…,” I spit out his name, putting as much venom into my voice as I can. “You and I will never be together again… in any shape, size, or form. I’d have to trust you for that, and after the stunt you pulled, I can’t see this happening. EVER! I will not sleep with you voluntarily again.”
