Page 59 of Nights At Sea

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Then I see Gualtiero approaching with determined strides. He still looks angry as hell.

I take a deep breath to ready myself for the confrontation that’s sure to come.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

Chapter Thirteen


Amomentlater,thedoor flings open and Gualtiero marches in. He sees me and in three long strides is at the desk, resting his hands on the surface, leaning in closer to me.

I stand too, not wanting him towering over me. Thank goodness there’s a desk between us.

“What have you done to the blond guy?” I ask right away, my eyes searching his. Barely controlled fury is lingering there.

“I taught him a lesson or two.”

My face pales. “Did you kill him?” I whisper in horror.

“No,” he replies coolly. “He lives to face another day. Though I’m certain he’ll never mess with another man’s woman again.”

“He didn’t mess with me. We merely talked.”

Gualtiero freezes me with his glare but says nothing.

“What did you do to him?” I ask again, but do I really want to know?

“That’s irrelevant.” He brushes me off. “What’s more important, princess, is that you’re in so much trouble,” Gualtiero says calmly, but the underlying anger in his voice is unmistakable.

“Why? I’ve done nothing wrong.” I defend myself. “What the hell is this all about, Gualtiero? You’ve been acting like a complete madman.”

“I act this way, dear Ella, because Iammad. So fucking mad,” he yells the last part. “I leave you for a few minutes and you pick up a stranger?!”

“You have got to be kidding me! You’re crazy, Gualtiero,” I yell back, getting infuriated as well. “Picking up a stranger?! Are you for real?! As if I could do that with all the security you have on me. May I remind you that you were the one who left me out there on my own with no soul to talk to? I’m not even allowed to go to the dancefloor. And you have the audacity to scold me like a little child for talking to someone who approached me?” I emphasize the last part. “He came to me, not the other way around.”

“You let him touch you,” he says coldly.

“Oh my God, he touched my elbow. That’s hardly illegal.”

“It’s inappropriate. He’s lucky I didn’t cut off his hands. Nobody, and I mean nobody, touches what’s mine, Ella. The sooner you get that into your head, the better.” He looks scarily earnest.

How can one man be so possessive? I don’t know what comes over me but I can’t help taunting him some more. I’m in the mood for a fight… all the anger and anguish of the past few days bubbling over.

“I’m not yours, Gualtiero. We covered that already, many times.”

“We have indeed. And your denial is cute, but changes nothing.

“If I catch you having a drink with any man who isn’t approved by me, there’ll be severe consequences, Ella. And ifyouever allow another man to touch any part of your body again, I’ll put you over my knees and give you a thrashing you’ll never forget. You won’t be able to sit on your delectable ass for a long time,” Gualtiero threatens.

“Wow. And what about women, Gualtiero?” Why can’t I stop baiting him? “Are they allowed to touch me? It’s going to be hard getting a Brazilian or a massage if no one but you can touch me. Are you going to take over my grooming practices?” I sneer, smiling sweetly at him.

“God, are you trying to drive me crazy?” he cries exasperatedly.

“You’re doing a fine job of that yourself,” I mumble as I walk around the desk. He stops me by holding onto my arm, his gaze forceful.

“No one gets to touch you who isn’t authorized by me. Does that make it clear enough for you?” he asks with a hint of sarcasm. “And let me make another thing really clear… I don’t want any men near you. I can’t even bear it when I see them looking at you. You’re mine,” he says menacingly.

So he keeps telling himself. I roll my eyes at him and stomp toward the door. “You’re an idiot.”
