Page 67 of Nights At Sea

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“Yes, I’m sure he is.” I wipe the lone tear that slides down my cheek away hastily. “Who was that guy talking to you in the garden? Is he your boss?”

“Yes… no… kind of,” she sighs. “That was my father.” She looks dejected.

“Does he always talk to you like that? What did he want?”

“He was worried about the boss…wanted to know if I heard anything. Nobody has talked to him today.”

Shit. Now I’m really worried. If his men are searching for him and aren’t able to locate him that can’t be a good sign.

What if Molinaro got to him? My stomach tumbles into freefall.

No! No thinking about what ifs…

I need a distraction of some sort and pronto. “Do you play backgammon?” I ask Mariella. “I saw a board in the library.”

Mariella looks undecided again. “Well, you told me you’re here to look after me. Keeping me entertained is looking after me in my books,” I tell her.

She nods and disappears to fetch the game. It’s the perfect distraction from my darker thoughts, and we play for a couple of hours until Alonso joins us on the terrace.

“Signor Mateo just rang. He wants me to tell you that Signor De Marco is well and currently at his office. He’ll be home later this afternoon.”

I sag in my chair and let out a long breath I didn’t realize I was holding. “Thank you for letting me know, Alonso.”

With a lighter heart, Mariella and I resume our game.

I’m back in my room, reading on the terrace to catch the afternoon breeze, when Gualtiero returns. I’m so relieved to see him, I forget for a moment I’m pissed off with him.

Jumping up from the lounger, I meet him halfway. My eyes search his, and my hands run down his arms as if on autopilot, checking he’s unharmed.

“Are you okay?” I ask.

He envelops me in a hug, and I willingly let myself be comforted by his familiar warmth and the scent of his aftershave.

“I’m fine,cuore mio,” he says, gently stroking my face. “It’s comforting to know you worry about me.” And with that, I remember I don’t like him very much.

Pulling out of his embrace, I sit back down. His chuckle annoys me, and I roll my eyes skywards.

“Mateo was looking for you. Where were you?” I look up at him, but his face gives nothing away.

“Just taking care of some business.” He brushes me off.

Gualtiero sits down beside me, looking out at the distant sea. “On Saturday evening, we’re going to a birthday dinner. It’s an excellent opportunity for you to meet the wives and girlfriends of my most trusted men. You’ll be able to make new friends there.”

Taking a deep breath, I bite my tongue and refrain from telling him I have no interest in making new friends with the significant others in his crime syndicate. I have my friends at home. Even if I take years, I will escape this prison, return home, back to freedom and the people who matter to me.

“Is it fancy dress? Can I go as Al Capone’s girlfriend?” I mock.

This time, it’s Gualtiero rolling his eyes. “I’m way more handsome than Al Capone,” he says, and I can’t argue with that. “We’ll be leaving at seven.”

“Right,” I nod my agreement. “Where are we going?”

He looks surprised. I guess he didn’t expect me to agree so easily. I smile to myself. It’s good to keep him on his toes. I wouldn’t want to be too predictable now, would I?

“The party will be at a restaurant in Catania. It won’t take long to get there.”

“Right. Can I leave this compound tomorrow?”

“Where do you want to go?” Gualtiero asks.
