Page 78 of Nights At Sea

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Setting my warehouse on fire was a ballsy move, along with the attempt to interrupt the delivery of various products to my buyers. Both being retaliation for burning down his mansion.

The question in my mind is how he got the explosives into the place. I need to find the bloody rat helping him. He’ll make a mistake sooner or later, and when he does, heaven help him.

While I was occupied with his diversion, he moved in on Ella, having his daughter approach her and somehow convince her to flee. Though I doubt Ella needed much encouragement.

I sink to the floor, chest heaving, panting as if I’d run a marathon as a sprint race.

Slowly, my breathing evens out. Resting my arms on my bent legs, I lean forward and take a deep breath. The physical exhaustion has finally calmed my mind, and I can think more clearly.

We’ll soon see how loyal Molinaro is to his own family. Despite letting Ella believe that little Miss Molinaro is dead, she’s worth more to me alive… at least for now.

I chuckle to myself. Did Sofia really think she would get away with this? That just because she’s a woman I would not retaliate?

Her family changed the rules a long time ago. Traditionally, women and children were off limits, and it was much easier that way.

How I wish the days of their immunity were back. But this easy way of exploiting a man’s weakness was too tempting for maggots like Molinaro. Now everyone is fair game.

I grab a towel and my phone and call Santino for an update. He’s with little Miss Molinaro, and I wonder how quickly she’s folding. He’s skilled in extracting information. It’s one of his many talents. It has fast-forwarded his career with me and made him one of my most-trusted men.

“Is she talking?” I ask as I towel-dry my hair.

“She’s getting there,” he replies coldly.

“Keep going. I’ll be there shortly.” I hang up before he has the chance to say more.

Usually, all interrogations are done in the warehouse on the outskirts of Catania, but it’s safe to assume that Molinaro will attempt to get his daughter back. My place here is a fortress that nobody will ever get in or out of undetected. I wish I could keep Ella safely locked up here forever.

The muscles in my forearms twitch and grow taut again. The image of Ella’s terrified eyes haunts me. I let out a forceful breath.

She’s scared of me now. I hate it, yet it’s a necessary evil. She’s more likely to behave if she fears me.

The urge to punish her for her stupidity still lingers.

She ran away… again. My anger rises anew, but I’m too tired to let out my frustration on the bag.

I swear to myself this was the last time she gets away unscathed with disobeying my orders. The little voice in my head, though, reminds me she is anything but unscathed. She experienced the darkness of my world firsthand tonight… the manipulations, the deceit, the violence and death.

It’s the first time, and if I have anything to do with it, the last time she’ll be caught in the crossfire. Unfortunately, the first time stays with you, haunts your dreams, and makes you question the humanity of humanity.

I should be with her to comfort her but I’m still too wound up to be compassionate despite the grueling workout.

This is going to push her further away from me. And I only just made progress getting close to her again. This will only make her more determined to escape. I can’t let that happen.

Even if I decided to let Ella go, which will never happen, she wouldn’t be safe anywhere.

Only I can ensure her safety.

Now that she’s a part of my world, she’ll die in it.

There is no leaving. It’s a marriage vow… until death do us part.

I need to find a reason for her to want to stay, something that will rekindle her love and devotion to me. But what? She’s not swayed by lavish gifts. She’s proven that multiple times.

Grand gestures might work better. Her love for fast cars and Formula One comes to mind. When she told me about it, I couldn’t believe my ears. It doesn’t fit her placid and conservative nature and made me realize the depths of mydea splendente. I can’t wait to discover all her hidden sides. The thought makes me smile.

A vague plan forms in my mind that I’m sure will knock her off her socks.

Knock… the word triggers a lightbulb moment…I grin to myself. This will ensure she’ll remain by my side forever. And the fun we’ll have… Yes, I can’t wait, and it will serve multiple purposes.
